The SF Signal Podcast (Episode 151): Interview with Author Jay Lake - They interviewed me at Worldcon.
Jay Lake, "Hnacie pero" (2007) - A review of Mainspring. I'm not sure of the language. Romanian or Hungarian, possibly.
With a Nasal Drawl - A discussion about writing about language. (Found at
Language Log.)
Sturgeon's Law - Hahahaha! (Snurched from
Vintage Tin Toys Elephant, Ranger Protections Endorsed-But Do They Have Teeth? - Warning, triggery photographs.
Woolly Mammoth Tracks Prove Beasts Once Roamed Oregon We'll have to get used to this idea - Roger Ebert with a somewhat lateral take on vegetarianism.
The Gospel of Jesus’ Wife and Sacred History from Judaism to Islam Some Religious Leaders See a Threat as Europe Grows More Secular - I can only see deprivileging religion as a good thing, personally. Not delegitimization, just deprivileging.
Researchers track evolution through snapshots of 40,000 generations - The experiment, bane of Conservapedians, traces evolution to the DNA level.
Looking down on the snow of Kilimanjaro - The ice is receding, and it’s expected the volcano will be ice-free in as little as ten years. While the recession has been going on for a century now, the past couple of decades have seen phenomenal acceleration in ice loss. It's amazing, the lengths liberals will go to to perpetrate their global warming scam. Even to removing tons of snow from an African volcano. Good thing we have the GOP to tell us the truth, despite our lying eyes.
Chick-fil-A to stop giving money to 'anti-gay organizations,' according to reports - I am rather suspicious of this story, especially given the transparently disingenuous statement from the company at the end of the article, but I am cautiously optimistic.
A Brief Black Liberal Rant - Ta-Nehisi Coates is, as usual, interesting.
One More Reason to Distrust Romney - Conservative commentator Daniel Larison on R. Money's ongoing campaign woes.
Mitt Romney pulled up from his bootstraps: 'I have inherited nothing.' - The lack of self-awareness inherent in privilege is stunning.
What Mitt Romney Doesn’t Get About Responsibility - A devastating critique of the idiocy of the worldview from Romney's money tower.
Romney Taking Hits in Republican Party as Polls Show Obama Edge - WHat astonishes me is that through my political lifetime, the GOP have been absolute masters at messaging and party discipline. Did the Bush administration wreck the Republican party as badly as it wrecked the country as a whole?
Mitt Romney says half of Americans are immoral parasites who think they’re ‘victims’ - Slacktivist Fred Clark with a terrific rundown of solid links on Romney's inadvertent moment of conservative honesty.
Mitt is down; out looms next - The country can only hope.
?otD: Would you go to Kalimpura?
Writing time yesterday: 1.0 hours (2,000 new words on a Green novelette)
Body movement: 60 minute suburban walk
Hours slept: 5.0 (fitful)
Weight: 238.2
Currently reading: Heartland by Mark Teppo