[links] Link salad heads for the Piedmont

Jul 24, 2012 04:54

Same Book, Different…Book (includes spoilers) - Editor Gabrielle Harbowy talks about her reactions to my novel Green, and compares those reactions to a number of other reviews.

Steampunk themed cruise to be held on Navigator of the Seas - Including yours truly. USA Today blogs about this as well.

In an old furniture store far, far away… - More from Waterloo Productions, this time involving the_child.

How not to talk to someone about their feelings... - alumiere is both wise and angry. Me, I despise the cult of optimism, so, what she said.

Space smells like seared steak, hot metal, astronauts report - Astronauts returning from spacewalks frequently report a distinct odor clinging to their spacesuits and equipment. In space, no one can hear you dream?

NASA tests 'inflatable heat shield' which unfurls in space and helps space ships float gently down to a planet's surface

Catholic priest victims: NCAA too light on Penn State - When money was misspent at SMU, play is suspended. But when boys are raped and crimes are concealed at PSU, play continues. This sends absolutely the wrong signal. Football. Just like Wall Street, the money's too big for there ever to be true accountability. Ain't that America?

Loading the Climate Dice - Paul Krugman is thoughtful on climate change.

Deniers, disgust, and defamation - Whenever I post about the reality of climate change, I get the usual chorus of denialist outrage. This includes the odd ad hominem or two, like the sneering "What does an astronomer know about the climate?", because apparently not having an advanced degree in science makes someone a better judge of the data.

Fox News Banned From Canada - Law Forbids Lying On Broadcast News - Harper’s attempts to make lying legal on Canadian television are a stark admission that right-wing political ideology can only dominate national debate through dishonest propaganda. Got it in one. (Snurched from jess_ka.)

What I Learned in Law School - An attorney's perspective on the Second Amendment and the Aurora shootings.

Guns versus cars - Philip Brewer responds to some discussions on my blog.

Romney to Olympians: 'You didn't get here solely on your own' - So when Obama says that to businesspeople, that's socialism, but when Romney says the same thing to athletes, it's, um, what? More of that justly famed conservative intellectual consistency.

GOP Rep. Stands Up For Huma Abedin & Freedom Of Religion At Town Hall - Props to him for getting it right. The First Amendment's guarantee of freedom of religion really does protect everyone.

GOP's Obama obsession will lose it the election - A lot of people, including me, hated President Bush for a lot of reasons. Most of them were reality-based, whether or not they were objectively worthy of vilification. Most of what the GOP hates Obama for isn't even particularly connected to reality. It's just weird. And these are the people who used to mock "Bush derangement syndrome".

?otD: Carolina in the morning?

Writing time yesterday: 90 minutes (1,900 words to complete first draft of a requested short story, plus some revision time)
Body movement: n/a (airport walking to come)
Hours slept: 5.75 (solid)
Weight: 238.0
Currently reading: Last Argument of Kings by Joe Abercrombie

canada, child, personal, books, religion, science, guns, links, events, healthcare, media, movies, documentary, climate, politics, weird, reviews, sports, green

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