Kalimpura - Illustrator and artist Dan Dos Santos discusses how he developed the cover art to my next novel, Kalimpura from Tor Books.
mcjulie with an epic rant on literary snobbery Help an author research: British Law in the Regency - Mary Robinette asks for help.
The Big War Over a Small Fruit - Simple but clever ideas have made America great. Now a small seedless fruit has become an emblem of marketing in our era. Will your local supermarket ever be the same again?
Inactivity 'killing as many as smoking' The Puzzling Problem Of Proportionate Growth - Biologists have long wondered how our organs all grow at the same rate. Now theoretical physicists think they've found a clue in the special way sandpiles grow.
Why isn't Earth a lot wetter? A hole in Mars - Another awesome APOD image.
A Biologist And A Psychologist Square Off Over The Definition Of Science McDonalds staff accused of assaulting 'human cyborg' - Is there any other kind of cyborg?
Wealth Rises in Mongolia, as Does Worry - Welcome to the boom town. I first visited Ulaan Baatar in the Iron Curtain days. Wow have things changed. (Via Brendan Boerner.)
The sins of the father - A sportswriter comments on Joe Paterno's true legacy.
Republicans Attack Obama For Giving States Flexibility On Welfare Reform - Because conservatives have always been staunchly against states' rights. No. Wait. What…?
American history, as told through the two Romneys - In the ’50s and ’60s, a period considered the economic heyday of a free and capitalist post-war America, George Romney paid 37 percent of his income in federal taxes. By 2010, Romney’s son paid a total of 13.9 percent of his income in federal taxes, this in an America that is supposedly well on its way to becoming a socialist state, with a confiscatory federal government intent on stealing the wealth of its highest earners.
No, Obama Isn't Taking Credit For Building Your Business - The Republican lie on this one is breathtakingly stupid and transparently dishonest, even by the usual abysmal standards of conservative discourse. Which doubtless sells well to the base, and low information voters, but this doesn't stand up to fifteen seconds of scrutiny. Luckily for Romney and the GOP, Your Liberal Media won't put much effort into debunking the claim, so as usual, the lie will get a lot of traction and stick in people's minds.
?otD: How now, brown cow?
Writing time yesterday: 30 minutes (WRPA)
Body movement: 30 minute stationary bike ride
Hours slept: 4.5 (solid but short)
Weight: 239.4
Currently reading: The Last Argument of Kings by Joe Abercrombie