[personal|travel] In Omaha

Mar 27, 2012 05:03

I'm in Omaha for Day Jobbery. A nice dinner last night with garyomaha and elusivem. We talked about current writing projects and whatnot.

Speaking of current writing projects, I batted a lot of cleanup the past couple of days. A bunch of things went out the door, including short fiction submissions, materials for three book proposals, and some new Sekrit Projekt stuff. Kind of rocketing along here. I have a modest nonfiction request to deal with, then I'm back on Sunspin, probably tonight, starting with a re-read of Calamity of So Long a Life then hitting the draft of book two, Their Currents Turn Awry.

Also of note today is that I'll be guest teaching a literature class at the University of Nebraska at Omaha on my lunch hour. I'm looking forward to that, should be a lot of fun.

calamity, personal, currents, omaha, books, sunspin, travel, friends, writing

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