[process] Sequel-itis, or the part 2 blues...

Feb 21, 2012 05:49

Yesterday afternoon, the_child's basketball team lost their first round playoff game. It was heart-breakingly close, a very good game, but in the end, the other team pulled it out to beat them by three points. After dinner with friends, we stayed up late (and tired!) and watched Kung Fu Panda 2 [ imdb ], which we'd rented over the weekend and is due back Real Soon Now. Meanwhile, I'm thinking ahead to the second book of Sunspin, Their Currents Turn Awry.

All of these things are essential part two of something else. The playoffs were a coda to her season. Kung Fu Panda 2 follows on the success of the first movie. Currents, well, we shall see.

It's hard to do something twice. I learned this writing both of the Mainspring and Green trilogies. The demands of the sequel/part 2 are very different. The challenge for the creator is how to maintain and build on whatever magic the original had, while still doing something new and interesting. So I worry a bit about Their Currents Turn Awry and the final two books in Sunspin. Once a reader has encountered Calamity of So Long a Life, their expectations are set. They have a view of the world that I have to both satisfy and expand upon.

Luckily for me, while very, very few movie sequels live up to their original (off the top of my head, the Toy Story [ imdb ] cycle is the only movie series that truly pulled this off), there are plenty of sfnal and fantasy examples of successful series and trilogies. Writing is not the playoffs, and we're not worried about box office take. Not exactly, at any rate.

Still, there's nothing like a story the first time out of the wrapper, when you're experiencing it like never before. How to keep that magic going...?

calamity, mainspring, child, currents, books, process, sunspin, movies, friends, writing, green

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