Analyzing the Leaves and Missing the Forest - Richard Parks on what I would call the difference between being a writer’s writer and a reader’s writer. He, of course, takes a different and rather illuminating tack.
Fantasy: High, Low and…? Part One: Fate, Prophecy and Destiny - Writer A.J. Luxton with some analysis of fantasy.
Interview with my bully: The courage to remember - Author Janni Lee Simner in Salon‘s series. I was mercilessly victimized through about 7th grade myself, and have some very bitter memories of childhood. It was the late 1970′s, and even in middle school the budding jocks were privileged and protected from the reality of their actions because “boys will be boys”, and the culture of geek cred wasn’t even smoke on the horizon in those days. The most common response I got from adults, both in school and at home, was “Well, what did you do to antagonize him.” I existed, that was enough for me to have my bike stolen, to be stuffed in a trash barrel, to be forced to drink urine. So this hits a hard spot for me. (Again via
Niagara Mills: 1908 - I love this photo of the mills above the gorge.
The Physics Nobel: Why Einstein Was Wrong About Being Wrong Can Answers to Evolution Be Found in Slime? - A pretty cool article on slime molds. (Thanks to my Dad.)
NASA asks students to name moon gravity probes New York Times Shifts Its Framing of the Arrests at Occupy Wall Street - Your Liberal Media, supporting the conservative narrative as usual.
Third of US vets say wars not ‘worth it’ - I had a difficult conversation on a plane a few years ago with an active duty soldier flying on leave who was convinced we couldn’t leave til we’d won, because otherwise his buddies would have died for nothing, but he couldn’t tell me what winning was.
When Politics Trumps Theology - Conservative commentator Daniel Larison speaks. If only this could possibly be true. American politics could only be vastly improved by an ebbing of religious fervor on the Right. When you define compromise as sin, you break the system.
Talking Texan - The linguistics of Rick Perry.
Mitt Romney: The Jury’s Still Out On Why Those Guys Were Booing After The Gay Soldier Spoke - Another Republican profile in courage. Nice to see the Right standing up for what’s right. Or maybe not so much.
Cooperation in Evil - Maureen Dowd on Justice Scalia.
GOP senior officials quietly trying to restore science to their agenda - A step in the right direction, though note this is an effort by Republicans who are no longer running for office. Convenient, that. Good luck cleaning up the horrible mess you’ve made, boys.
?otD: How long could it last, how bad could it be?
Writing time yesterday: 1.75 hours (2,000 words on a short story, plus some WRPA)
Body movement: 30 minute stationary bike ride
Hours slept: 7.5 hours (interrupted)
Weight: 219.2
Currently reading: The Years of Rice and Salt by Kim Stanley Robinson
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