Big Painting Sale - Terry Windling is having a painting sale to help a relative meet medical costs. Check it, boost the signal. (Via
More on fried olives (for those who are following the saga) -
garyomaha with more on the fried olives made by
The milkman cometh - Back to the days of future past?
Trains And Railways Extravaganza, Part 2 - Dark Roasted Blend with some distinctly curious railroad images. A must-read for steampunks and railfans.
Time to Wake Up, Sleeper Spy - Can you ever really go home?
The Liberal Dilemma and Conservative Conflict -
joshenglish takes on some cultural and political tropes. I largely agree with him.
The Poor Always Pay - An Asian bank for low-income women is out to teach Wall Street a lesson. Those conservatives who think the poor are just lazy (there are a few in my extended family with that opinion) ought to try it for a while. Not college-student poor, but true poverty.
?otD: Would you, could you on a train?
Writing time yesterday: 2 hours (2,500 new words, plus extensive WRPA)
Body movement: stationary bike ride to come
Hours slept: 8.5 (decent)
This morning's weigh-in: n/a
Yesterday's chemo stress index: 2/10 (fatigue, peripheral neuropathy)
Currently (re)reading: Heretics of Dune by Frank Herbert