Seizure: from bedsit to paradise - Growing one’s own crystal cave. (Thanks to
lillypond, a/k/a my sister,
with some Portland car art - Shot right before our lunch together on Thursday. I apparently walked right past this beauty without even noticing it, which is most unlike me.
Hammer and Tongs 1943 - Shorpy with some awesome industrial pr0n.
Evolution of some well known corporate logos - Surely this is a textbook case of Intelligent Design? (Thanks to
Stephen Hawking calls for Moon and Mars colonies - I’d go. Would you? (Thanks to
Now in Sight: Far-Off Planets - Direct imaging of extrasolar planets. Wow. Just wow.
More detail at Centauri Dreams Mr. Lincoln’s T-Mails - A thesis that Abraham Lincoln was the first wired president, courtesy of telegraphy. (Thanks to
Russian church ‘taken by thieves’ - The disappearance of the Church of the Resurrection, some 300 km (186 miles) north-east of Moscow, was not immediately noticed. (Thanks to
Obama’s Fascinating Interview with Cathleen Falsani - Our Socialist Muslim atheist terrorist president-elect talks about his Christian faith in detail.
Bush, Out of Office, Could Oppose Inquiries - Executive privilege 4 evah!
Crimes by air marshals raise questions about hiring - Yep, strong on security, that’s our GOP leadership. Character, too! (Thanks to
Goodbye GOP - Editorial cartoonists on the fractures in the Republican Party. I don’t see the wheels coming off nearly so drastically, but maybe the GOP will recover some of its principles as a result of this process. Or they might just go with Palin, instead. (Thanks to
The Anatomy of Conservative Self-Deception Question of the day: What price glory?
Body movement: 90 minute suburban walk
Last night’s weigh-out: n/a
This morning’s weigh-in: n/a [forgot to weigh, grr]
Currently reading: Wintersmith by Terry Pratchett
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