It's been a great day at the
South Carolina book festival.
After waking up early and working out, I had breakfast with
jeffvandermeer and Ann VanderMeer. Once satiated, we headed down the block to the conference. I attended a mystery panel with Con Lehane, James O. Born and Julia Spencer Fleming, which was very entertaining.
After that I did the dealer room thing, except they call it the exhibitor room here. Jim Born then moderated a panel with Jeff, Ann and me on science fiction. That was a hoot, too. We followed that up with some autograph table time, during which the two booksellers sold out of Mainspring [
Powell's |
Amazon |
Audible ]. (The local Barnes and Noble had problems getting it in, they said.) There's also been a bit of a run on The River Knows Its Own [
Wheatland Press |
Amazon ].
Rounded off the day with
jeffvandermeer's Ambergris presentation, followed by me being on a rapid fire reading with an extremely varied slate of writers. Lots of fun. Off to the writer reception shortly. Best of all, the weather finally turned sunny and warm.