[conventions] South Carolina Book Festival

Feb 23, 2008 14:57

It's been a great day at the South Carolina book festival.

After waking up early and working out, I had breakfast with jeffvandermeer and Ann VanderMeer. Once satiated, we headed down the block to the conference. I attended a mystery panel with Con Lehane, James O. Born and Julia Spencer Fleming, which was very entertaining.

After that I did the dealer room thing, except they call it the exhibitor room here. Jim Born then moderated a panel with Jeff, Ann and me on science fiction. That was a hoot, too. We followed that up with some autograph table time, during which the two booksellers sold out of Mainspring [ Powell's | Amazon | Audible ]. (The local Barnes and Noble had problems getting it in, they said.) There's also been a bit of a run on The River Knows Its Own [ Wheatland Press | Amazon ].

Rounded off the day with jeffvandermeer's Ambergris presentation, followed by me being on a rapid fire reading with an extremely varied slate of writers. Lots of fun. Off to the writer reception shortly. Best of all, the weather finally turned sunny and warm.

mainspring, conventions, river

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