Click Me to Be Brainwashed!
Story 2 of 4:
Tony the Trout is the smartest Sea Kitten in his school Already litter-trained at 2 months old, Tony went on to double major in neuroscience and environmental studies at Clamford university, eventually graduating with honors. When Tony is caught and fed to a precocious young child who, having eaten one mercury-filled sea kitten too many, falls to the bottom of his class, the irony is not lost on him.
Story 3 of 4:
Sally is a Sea Kitten with attitude! While all the other sea kittens are washing themselves or chasing balls of yarn, Sally is busy swimming upstream to see where her life will take her next. Unfortunately, years of watching her friends and family being hooked through the mouth and dragged into a harsh, alien world above have driven her made with grief. Bitter and insane, she spends her days plotting revenge against the Land Kittens who live in such happy comfortable homes, free from the terror of being eaten.
Dear PETA,
Go die.