Sep 17, 2004 06:49
1. Where are you right now? in my room
2. How many US states have you visited? a good amount, the whole east coast, ive dabbled in the south, theres been some stops in airports, nevada, colorada, arizona, maybe 20 states
3. What is your favorite line from Shakespeare? i havent read too much shakespeare
4. If you could change your name, what would you change it to? jamie, i love boys names for girls
5. Do you look more like your mother or your father? both
6. Can you speak another language? gibberish, pig latin, ive dabbled in latin and spanish and a bit of hebrew?
7. What is the theme song of your life? so says i-the shins
8. Name the cartoon character you most identify with: daria
9. Who is your favorite historical persona? Ghandi
10. Are you a religious person or a spiritual person? Or neither? religious
11. Who is your movie alterego? the chef jean in wet hot
12. What is your favorite mathematical equation? y=mx+b
13. What do you like about yourself, personality-wise and physically? i like my hair, i like that im funny
14. Do you wear a watch? nope
15. Do you prefer to be the driver or the passenger? i cant drive
16. Do you watch 'American Idol' or 'The Apprentice'? the apprentice!
17. What would be your money-making invention? food tape...long story
18. What is more important? food or sleeping? food
19. If you could go back in time, what time period would you visit? 80s
20. Are computers friends or foes? friends.
21. What is your favorite line from a movie? my name is keith stat from milburn NJ....a douchebag is a hygienic product...
22. Why is your favorite band, your favorite band? the shins
23. What have you regretted the most? not being brave with tucker
24. Does your car have a personality? no car
25. Do you believe there are such things as 'soulmates'? no
26. What extreme sport are you interested in, but are too chicken to ever try? sky diving
27. If given the opportunity, would you go on a NASA flight into outerspace? yes
28. Who is your favorite fictional couple? rachel and ross
29. Would you like fame or fortune? fortune
30. Finish this sentence: I wish someone would...cuddle with me