(no subject)

May 29, 2009 11:17

Blood glucose: 254

Yesterday was fun. No, let me rephrase. Yesterday was...busy.

First of all, supervenusfreak has been sleeping VERY poorly lately, mostly because the window air conditioner in our bedroom is old and rattley and he cannot stand it. It IS very loud, and sometimes (though much more rarely than for Dwight) it even wakes me up in the middle of the night. The problem being that we NEED that air conditioner to be running or we both don't sleep anyway because we're soaking the sheets and pillows with sweat. (We're the people who have our bedroom window open ALL WINTER because otherwise we'll drown in our own perspiration, remember)

So he called off yesterday because he'd gotten about three hours of sleep the night before. When I got home from work yesterday, I had dinner and right after, Dwight comes down the steps from where he's been trying to nap all day and tells me we NEED to switch out the air conditioner upstairs with one of the ones downstairs. So we switch it out with the new one we bought the other week. Which involves the confinement of our escape artist cat (because open windows with no screens in are not a good thing to have her around), the banishment of the dog to the backyard, and a lot of lugging heavy machinery up and down a narrow and steep staircase. Oh, and some good old-fashioned short-tempered sniping on both of our parts as we get in each other's way, trip over each other's feet and generally make each other crazy working together in small spaces.

SO...after we get everything switched out (and the new air conditioner is PERFECT...not mousey quiet, but definitely worlds better than the old one), it turns out we need to go to the supermarket to get some things that we're going to need before the big grocery trip tonight (paper towels, mostly...we have a puppy...)

We went and did that, giving up my nice parking spot, and come back to another okay parking spot. (I have a hangup about parking in our neighborhood...I grew up in a slightly more suburban neighborhood than this one, where everyone had room to park their car(s) in front of their house and parking in your neighbor's spot was considered bad manners...HA!)

Finally home to stay, I take my iPod up to the newly quiet bedroom to elevate my feet for an hour or so, when I hear Dwight's sister in the bathroom next door... "Dwight? Can you come up here a second?"

The bar that lifts the ball in the toilet had lifted its last...it finally broke. So, we have to go to Lowe's to get a replacement. Another trip out. I'm the kind of person who loves to come home after work and STAY THERE! Anyway, we go to Lowe's and come back to find that other okay parking spot taken. *sigh*

And I finally got to stay home.
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