change of plans.

Dec 08, 2005 15:00

i don't think i can listen to the mahler anymore. i call it "the mahler" but what i really mean is "ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen" from his Ruckert lieder. makes me cry a little bit every time. i needed something more cheerful, so i stole the new b&s album. i write b&s because writing belle & sebastian takes too much time.

what can i say? when i like them, they don't like me, and when they like me, i don't like them. so it goes. the whole thing i've got going isn't working too well with the ladies - which is all i really care about. time for a complete one hundred and eighty (180) degree turnaround. here's the plan:

1. i will quit the retirement practice and join the investment practice. i'll begin work on a certified financial analyst designation. i'll learn all about bond rates, short-term term deposits, asset fund allocation, duration mismatch risk, portfolio return theory, etc. i'll learn how to play the markets. i'll work tirelessly, day and night. i'll make a fortune.

2. sell all keyboards and music-making paraphenalia on ebay. use proceeds to buy a new wardrobe, with nice suits and everything. there's a special on lazer tooth-whitening downstairs at the dentist. $600 instead of the regular $750. i should be able to get at least $600 for the moog. maybe do something with my hair as well.

3. attend business-oriented continuing education classes at the university of calgary. things like "powerful powerpoint presentations" and "effective project management". focus on my critical listening skills and goal-setting. learn how to be successful in life.

i'm sure that further reflection will yield more steps for the plan. this plan will go into implementation right away. i'll keep you all posted on my progress.
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