Hello girlies,
I havent been on for a little while - I have come out of hospital after having Keyhole op done on my knee.
I am still having body issues but I was having a difficult time of late and worrying that I was eating too much ... I know it may sound silly but I still dont think I am anorexic - at one point I know I was Ortherexic and the battle goes on.
Above is my URL to my youtube channel .... And I guess Im asking for your support once again as you have all been so good to me. I feel like I am really putting myself out there and it is scary! But it needs doing and I really think this will be a way of keeping me sane and to be able to get to know you all a little better.
I think you girls may enjoy the fave videos I have put up... I found them interesting, especially the Thin Doc! PS this is a pic of me now - and I will be documenting myself trying to loose 10bls on my account xxx:
Love to you all and I do hope you are all taking care of yourselves xxxxxxxxx