faced with the dodo's conundrum

Jan 02, 2009 23:31

ethan went on the potty tonight! zak and i were giving him a bath, and he said he had to go, so we pulled the stool out so he could reach, and he stood on it, holding our hands and PEED IN THE TOILET.
with no cheerio to aim for or anything.
i have never felt more pride over a bodily function in my life. it was amazing.
and of course we made a HUGE deal out of it, he couldn't stop smiling and laughing. i have a feeling it will be one of the fondest memories of my life.

everything has been going a lot better lately. i signed up for parenting classes, i start teaching dance on monday, bills are paid 'til february, and i had a great new year's eve with zak and new friends. i've even been working out with my sister. and i'm making plans to hang out with old friends from high school, which always makes me happy.

my little pee machine was just the icing on the cake. : )
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