Jun 23, 2005 00:03
i'll be in pensacola on wednesday. Hails! we have got to get togehter!! yeah, sarah and i broke up...i won't get into why. i'll only be in town for two days. i'll be staying at brians house. i'm totally excited about being back. i'll get to see my hails, maybe rekindel our flame. i wish she'd come back with me. i know she'd love it here. and i know she hates pensacola with a passion.
so what do you say hails? wanna come home with me? we can play house.
theres a school nearby, and i've seen a few arbys around here. you can transfer everything here and get away from your crazy family. who knows...you could maybe even get brandon out of your head for good. Oh yeah, i read that you're giving him money...i hope not too much, don't think he'll pay you back. you don't hear from the guy in months and it completely tears your heart up and then all of sudden he needs money and it oh hailey you're such a good friend i love you... i should kick his ass.
anyway. I love you Hails. see you soon.