
Jul 27, 2002 15:00

So much that I want to say and not enough energy to say it. I accomplished a goal today that I haven't for a long long time. Slept until Noon. I never get to do that, what with the lame ass day job and weekends busy packing.

The art opening was WONDERFUL and I had a great time and the dress was a huge hit. Sold all of the slutty barrettes, but turns out that the silcone glue is lame and doesn't hold well to plastic and metal. Told the owner of the gallery that I would fix any that were returned. I'm so embarrassed. Should have used the hotglue gun.

Went to the bar after the show and had a few drinks and stumbled home. Woke up to a phone message from P and he sounded frustrated. He hasn't called me back. I'm sad - we've been having seperation anxiety lately as my move day is a week from today. What am I going to do without my best friend? I've been pulling away to make the adjustment easier, and he's been pulling tighter to spend as much time as possible together before. I have no idea what to do. I'm scared. I don't want to lose him, but I can't live having him around 24/7. I need time outs to think things over and get my head straight. Damn anxiety attacks. At least I have the pills that dissuade them.

Bartending tonight from 6-10, and P's band is playing after. I don't know if I'll go. Things are weird. I thought things with my husband were horrible, but this best friend thing is so freaking hard.

Love him and hate him. Life is so strange...
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