work kill

Oct 26, 2005 15:35

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1) How tall is tetrisownsme? dunno
2) Are corporateninja and wensthsgunastop going out? no ways
3) mpon's hair color? brownde
4) If kaminoromansu took over the world, who would suffer? non-anime fans
5) Does i_drop_beats have a big secret? i hope so
6) Would nuclearthursday and dismemberedself look good together? no
7) Is tffarkbocaj related to you? no hes polish
8) Where was kaminoromansu born? dunno
9) Could you see malibubarbi404 and corporateninja together? hell no. yuriy stays indoors, tiffany stays in the water
10) Which president would malibubarbi404 be likely to idolize? she probably doesnt know any
11) Is _missmollie_ related to sleepit? no
12) Is corporateninja a high school student? yes
13) Does mpon travel a lot? dunno
14) Is view_fromheavn6 dead sexy? omg
15) When did you last call xragoolovesxuo? i think 3 weeks ago
16) If sleepit were hanging off a cliff, what would corporateninja do? take his id
17) tffarkbocaj's eye color? not black
18) If corporateninja was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? steve jobs
19) What animal should xragoolovesxuo be combined with? mermaid
20) What video game does vocaldomination remind you of? track and field
21) What rank would i_drop_beats have in a giant robot army? giant robot shit cleaner
22) What is corporateninja's favorite movie? officespace, anchorman, ichi the killer
23) Is i_drop_beats 1337? 0/V\G 700 7h3 /v\4xxxxxx, h3 50 31337
24) Do vocaldomination and blood_redsummer go to the same school? yes
25) Would i_drop_beats go out with vocaldomination? dont know
26) Do you have dismemberedself's screenname? no
27) If the_85_cure had a superpower, what would it be? super plain powers
28) Would you set up dotghandi and i_drop_beats? no, tommy isnt asian
29) Would you make out with malibubarbi404? i'd sex her up, while steve watches in tears
30) Where did you first meet tffarkbocaj? school
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