Mar 18, 2006 14:21
I am really tired of LJ's redesign team. there were no problems with the way things worked for the first 3 years I had this journal. very little changed for a long time. now my friends page is laid out all different and the menu is in a different order. I really liked the old LJ design. it was sorta olde fashioned where olde fashioned in measured in internet time so that 1999 seems like it was another world. What was so wrong with plain blue bars. it worked. i liked it. now it looks more like the "new internet" aka web 2.0 as all the techies are calling the shift from content created by the site owners to web content created by the web users, of which LJ was a pioneer. I think part of the reason I liked the old look was that it said "Look bitches, we've been doing this since it was acceptable to design a web page like this. with fat bars, before everyone went all text-within-boxes with thin line borders and soft gay colors.
I doubt anyone else spends nearly as much time online as I do, so you might not have noticed the details of how the web is shifting but it definitely is, but I want LJ to stay the same. it's established ways give it some legitimacy.