Mar 23, 2008 21:58
Easter was fairly enjoyable.. Sat down with the family and played uno for about 2 hours...only 3 games...sweet.
Little cousin came over the day prior..and we played video games for a while. It wasn't that much fun because he is WAY too hyper. He got sick though during the night, I felt bad for him and we played more the following afternoon before I went to Ohio.
Ended up going to BG to hang out with some pretty sweet people. It was enjoyable and the Extreme there was working well, I hope they can run a good tournament on it.
side blurb : It realllllllllly sucks when you miss someone every day and you never know if you will ever get to talk to them again. Yeah.. deciding not to get into that one though, as other things are at least going allright for the time being.
I hope everyone had a nice relaxing holiday =)