Jul 09, 2005 21:53
Yesterday me and anna and jessica went to the meatpacking industry..they were looking at like 200 dollar jeans so I"m like oh fuck this I'm a cheap bitch so i went outside to take pictures of the scenary for class. after I snappeda picture I'm like umm that girl looks like the chick from "that's so raven" (not raven but the red head chelsea) so i double take and i'm like FUCK IT SOOO IS HER....then I look around and shit who is she with? RAVEN. so i had my first celebrity experience 2 weeks into my ny adventures.it was pretty cool.but not like I"m gonna ask for a pictgure whatever. the celebrity exdperience doesn't stop there.....so lkast night the roomies and I went to a sushi bar called "nobu" I guess like all the stars eat there. cuz shit one meal is like 22 bucks.... but I didnt' splpurge i got suop and some chicken skewers... but my bill was around 50.00 with tip and drinks in there. I drank wine;.. who the F does that? I guess I do....so yeah were sitting there and look 2 tables behind me.. who's sitingg there? yeah Bon Jovi and his band.. wtf.. so of course i had to stare at him like Im' huge fan....but I tried to play it cool... i went out to smoke a cigarette as they all left the place so I could stare a little more. but when I say stare really I mean glance and keep it cizz-oool. then maybe 30 minutes later.... Paul Rudd (Josh from Clueless) ccame in with his HOOOOTTTTTT friends.. and he was cute not to mention it. shit man... 50 bucks for dinner was worth it. i mean you only live once, live it up! so around 11:30 Endri calls me and wants to get together. so I told him where I was going and we met up. so it's anna, jessica, catherin and chris and him and me. it was fun. it's so convenient that the bar is right around the corner of our place. very niiiicccceeeee. umm so i bought a jello shot and went to tip it back so i could lick it out... not nessesary-it just decided to rain all over my face. it was hotter than balls in there. then me endri,chris and catherine went to a bar in Queens. It was a chill bar so I definentalyl liked the fact that I could breath and not sweat. stayed in Queens again. headache all day long. I went to Soho to collect some business cards and bags for our next desing project having to do with "branding." I did more shopping than school-work. But Soho does have the best shopping around, even though it's hella expensize. I did find some cute clothes for like 15 bucks each. so I WIN!! Tomororw I think I might be going to Long Island to the beach with E, we'll find out. School is kicking my ass. staying in tonight to do work and not be hung over so I can lab it up tomorow!!!! love ya'll. can't wait to party with ya's!