Car Wash Psychedelia

Mar 17, 2019 13:36

You have to take your hat off to the American entrepreneurial spirit. Posed the question, “how can we make more money running a car wash?” America has answered “Appeal to the stoners”.

I give you the Eco Car Wash of Williston, Vermont:

This particular car wash is the first in our area to offer a subscription-based model, where for approximately twice the cost of one car wash, you can have one car wash a day, all month long (renewing automatically until you tell them to stop). And it’s certainly the only one I know of in northern Vermont with day-glo green, purple, and orange suds.1I know it’s far from the only one in the USA. You can do a YouTube search for ‘psychedelic car wash’ and find no end of hits.

Aaaaand… according to the guys that work there, they do have stoners who show up, light up a joint, enjoy it for a bit, and then go through the wash, giggling the whole way.

Tell me that’s not genius.

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1. ↑ I know it’s far from the only one in the USA. You can do a YouTube search for ‘psychedelic car wash’ and find no end of hits.

stupid things that will probably amuse o, vermont

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