The Library Incident

Oct 22, 2009 03:30

Title: The Library Incident
Author: jayfromperth
Pairing: Harry/DracoDraco kicked himself. How had he let this get out of hand? When Pansy had suggested they play a find-out-what-we-did-on-the-holidays game, Draco had figured it would be tame enough. He should have realized, with Pansy, very little was tame.

He was sitting in the Slytherin common room, it was past 2am on the second day of their fifth year at Hogwarts, and Draco was already down to his briefs. Given, Pansy was wearing only her bra and a skirt, Theo Nott still had trousers on, and Blaise, ever-modest Blaise, had been starkers for some time now. Not that it was a new sight to Draco, though apparently the growth spurt Blaise had been waiting for had delivered nicely during the lengthy break. Draco dragged his eyes from Blaise’s appendage and focused on Pansy, who had an evil grin spread across her face.

The game had been simple, or at least at 11pm when the common room was practically empty and Pansy had explained the rules, it had appeared simple. A form of poker Pansy had learned while on holiday in Monaco. But, of course, there was a Slytherin twist. The loser of each round was then challenged to a truth or dare by the winner. Given they were all experienced liars, Pansy had upped the stakes by casting a charm that Draco, embarrassed to admit, had never heard of. He was skeptical at first, that the charm really could cause someone to lose an item of clothing if they lied - but after Theo and Blaise were left bare-chested (no complaints there) ten minutes into the game, Draco vowed never to underestimate Pansy again.

Never one to shy away from the more intimate details of her fellow Slytherin’s lives, Pansy had won the last hand, which Draco had lost, and she now awaited Draco’s response.

Who had Draco wanked over the most during the summer holidays?

Draco fought the blood rushing to his cheeks, reminding himself of his father’s words - Malfoys never blush. He had two options, tell the truth and face whatever ridicule brought on, or lie and lose his briefs. Neither was appealing, but for once he was leaning more towards the truth. Given, his fantasy of choice would draw laughter and jokes for the next few days, but then it would (Salazar willing) die down. Exposing himself to Pansy and Theo (Blaise had already… handled Draco’s goods) was definitely not on his To Do list.

“Come on Draco, it’s your turn,” said Theo.

“Draco, darling, if it’s me, don’t be ashamed, just tell the truth,” crooned Pansy, her grin spreading wider still, her confidence slightly amusing.

“Something tells me you might be a little disappointed by his answer, Pansy,” said Blaise with a laugh, before smirking at Draco.
“This is a fucking stupid game, Pansy, and after I answer this question, I’m going to bed.” Draco silently cursed the Charm that prevented him from leaving the game without answering.

“Well then, Draco, to cap off a rather pleasant evening, do tell, love, who has been the fodder for your self-pleasure in our time apart?”

Draco stood up - he wasn’t hanging around to witness the humiliating aftermath of this revelation.


Draco caught a glimpse of Pansy’s shocked face as he turned and stalked to his room. There was a moment of silence before Blaise, Theo and, after a moment, Pansy, broke out in laughter.

Draco let his cheeks turn pink as he recalled the memory of Potter coming out of the Lake after the second Triwizard challenge. When he had taken his soaking wet shirt off, for the few brief moments before he was wrapped in a warm towel, Draco had been unable to look away and something had changed. Well, at the time the only sign of change was a tightening in his pants. But after months of silent fantasies and hundreds of brilliant climaxes, Draco’s opinion of Potter had changed. And he had no idea what to do about it.


Draco hated potions with a passion. Ok, that wasn’t quite true, as Snape was ridiculously accommodating of Draco during their classes - but he was determined to nail this essay - and he needed one more piece of information that had so far eluded him.

He cast his eyes over the books set out around him on his table in the library. He’d ditched Crabbe and Goyle, insisting he had to get the essay done. As he reached for a heavier reference book, he heard a shuffle of feet heading towards him. He looked up and his breath caught in his throat.

Green eyes met grey for a fleeting second, before Potter navigated himself to a table on the other side of the study area - but still within Draco’s vision. Instantly, memories of last night’s fantasy - this one involving Potter standing over Draco, his legs up over Harry’s shoulders, as the Boy Who Lived pounded… Draco stopped the train of thought as he felt something stiffen. Potions, essays, Snape - ah, Snape, the ideal cure for an unwanted erection, thought Draco.

He flipped open the reference book and began to scour the contents page for the section he needed. Draco chanced a look over towards Potter’s table, and quickly looked down again.

Had he seen what he thought he’d seen: Had Potter been looking at Draco? He was sure Potter’s eyes had snapped back to his desk when Draco had looked at him.

Draco cursed himself for caring so much that the Gryffindor may have been staring at him. He really was in a pathetic state. But, he reminded himself, he did really owe Potter. His orgasms had grown increasingly intense since he had replaced Blaise with Potter at the centre of his nightly wank sessions.

Draco looked down at the contents page, determined to continue his study, when the sound of more feet caught his attention.

Shit, what’s he doing here?

Blaise sauntered in and Draco looked up, expecting the Slytherin to join him at his desk. As Draco prepared to scold Blaise for disturbing him, a smirk spread across said disturber’s face and he walked past Draco’s table and headed for Potter’s.

Since his revelation last week, Draco had received a number of nasty, but admittedly rather amusing, barbs from Pansy. Theo didn’t say much about it at all - he knew of Draco’s preferences and had his heart set on Pansy, anyway. Blaise had been surprisingly quiet. Draco realized now he should have given this reaction more thought. Blaise was no doubt put out by Draco’s swift end to their increasingly one-sided encounters. While Draco did enjoy Blaise’s mouth wrapped around his cock, he felt no desire to reciprocate. And thinking it for the best, Draco had told Blaise he wasn’t interested, ignored his communiqués during the summer and was now ready to continue as friends -minus the benefits. Apparently Blaise was not as forgetful as Draco.

He followed Blaise’s movements and caught the startled look on Potter’s face as the Slytherin stopped at his table. Blaise must have been on his game today, as after a few seconds Potter blushed and bit down on his rather plump, red, lower lip. Blaise slid into the seat opposite Potter, engaging him in further conversation. Draco could’ve sworn the Gryffindor’s eyes fled to Draco fleetingly, before fixing firmly on Blaise.

What the hell was Blaise doing?

Draco felt rage build up inside him, but then reminded himself that Harry was probably straight, (sharing a dorm with Ron Weasley would surely keep anyone straight) and would likely refuse Blaise’s advances.

Apparently not.

Draco’s eyes widened in astonishment as he watched Blaise begin to entangle his legs with Harry’s under the table - Draco’s position from across the room gave him a perfect view of the intertwined result.

Draco watched as Potter’s cheeks reddened further. He glanced round; the library was almost empty, except for Madam Pince on the far side of the Restricted Section. She was too far away to notice the clearly inappropriate actions of Blaise and Potter - Draco’s mind raced, wondering how the hell he would stop this.
And that’s when Blaise went from former occasional cock-sucker to personal enemy number one.

Draco watched in horror as Blaise discreetly knocked one of Potter’s spare quills off of the table and onto the ground right next to Potter.
Before Potter could response, Blaise swiftly disentangled his legs from Potter’s and dropped to his knees beside the Gryffindor to pick up the quill. Blaise’s back partially shielded Draco’s view, but he saw the expression on Potter’s face, looking down at Blaise, as the Slytherin slipped his hand along Potter’s thigh and into the gorgeous Triwizard champion’s nether region.

Potter’s eyes bulged slightly as he was fondled by Blaise, who stood up, but remained bent over Potter, now whispering something into his ear.

Draco snapped.

He stood up, the heavy reference book in his hands, and almost flew the few steps across the room. He lifted the book up and brought it crashing down onto the back of Blaise’s head. The slutty Slytherin had pulled back to look into Potter’s eyes and his assaulted cranium smacked into Potter’s forehead.

“Fuck!” yelled Potter.

Oh shit, thought Draco as Blaise slumped to the floor, unconscious. Madam Pince would be on them in seconds.

His next sentence tumbled out in a rush of words before he had a chance to stop himself.

“He doesn’t actually like you, he’s just doing this to piss me off, after I told him I didn’t want to be with him, anymore, and don’t think he actually likes you. He doesn’t even know you.”

Draco clamped his mouth shut as he watched a range of expressions dance across Potter’s lovely face. His heart sank as he observed the emotion the Gryffindor settled on.

“What do you mean he doesn’t like me? Fuck you, Malfoy, can’t anyone just like me for me?” yelled Potter, as he pushed his chair back and grabbed his books.

Draco didn’t know what to say as Potter stormed past him, headed for the exit.
Draco could see Madam Pince running towards the shouting from her spot on the other side of the library.

“Harry,” called Draco. The Gryffindor froze, but did not turn around.
“Harry, that’s not what I meant.” Draco realized it was the first time he’d called Potter by his first name.

Potter resumed his exit, snarling, “Bugger off, Malfoy; no one ever knows what you mean.”

Draco collapsed into the chair vacated by Potter, Blaise still at his feet. He’d mentally planned speaking to Harry millions of times and an opportunity had not arisen since the start of school. He had finally had a chance to have a normal conversation with the Gryffindor and instead he’d smacked his former lover over the head with a book, who had then head-butted his current crush, and he was now about to receive a significant slab of detention. This was not how he’d planned it.


It had been a week since the Library Incident. The Hogsmeade trip scheduled for the coming weekend had allowed for a change of subject in the Slytherin common room - Blaise had naturally retold the story of his library assault to all who would listen. Thankfully, Draco’s imperious glares had reduced his audience considerably. But every time Draco saw Blaise he was reminded of the manwhore’s hand working its way up Potter’s taught thigh. And the thought enraged him.

Several late nights assisting Filch to clean the trophy room again and again had given Draco time to think, and he had come to a decision. He was overwhelmingly frustrated with his attraction to Potter - but his outburst in the library made it clear, if only to himself, that it was more than teen lust.

Draco had watched Potter during meal times - the green eyes had, on several occasions, met Draco’s, often quizzically, and Draco wished he could read minds.
Regardless, he had a plan.

That afternoon, Draco sat in the shade of a large tree, overlooking the lake, pretending to study. Potter, Weasley and Granger were a bit further along the shore, out of earshot, chatting happily, apparently unaware of Draco’s presence.

Draco had paid a third year Ravenclaw a nice sum to deliver the message that the Weasel and Mudblood were wanted by McGonagall. His plan was incredibly flawed, as it was likely Potter would follow along with his friends, but Draco was banking on the warm sunshine to keep Harry outside, despite the departure of the others.

Draco watched as the Ravenclaw boy made his way down the steps and across the grounds to the lake. Granger jumped up - not surprising, considering her obsessive desire to impress and outperform all around her. The Weasel got to his feet too - Draco held his breath. Shit. So did Potter.

Draco cursed himself, looking down. His feelings for Potter were turning him into a Hufflepuff - he couldn’t even concoct a decent plan. Draco looked back to where the Gryffindors had been to see Potter sitting back down, and Granger and Weasley departing. Draco thanked the gods.

It was now or never, he told himself - and I’ll be damned if I miss another opportunity.

Draco steadied himself before slinging his bag over his shoulder and casually walking over to where Potter sat reading, apparently, a very interesting book. The Gryffindor didn’t look up until Draco’s shadow fell onto the pages.

Draco stared at Potter. He really was good looking - the green eyes shone, the black hair was messed to the extreme, as usual, and the school robes, perhaps ones from last year, were tight over his expanding frame - not that Draco was complaining.

Potter’s voice shook him from his perve-fest.

“Come to hit me with your Arithmancy book - or do I need to be getting a hand-job for that to happen?” Harry grinned at Draco - almost giving the Slytherin heart failure. Damn, he was smooth.

Draco allowed a smile. “Is that what that was? I just assumed Blaise was trying to steal your wand, and of course we couldn’t have the Beacon For All That is Good in the World meeting his demise at the hands of a half-wit in the Hogwarts Library.”

“A rather attractive half-wit with a talent for… lip service, I hear?”

Draco blushed and excitement danced within him - if Potter thought Blaise was attractive, surely Draco stood a chance?

He gave Potter his most innocent look.“I would not know Potter, I -”
The Gryffindor cut him off. “Harry, I prefer it when you call me Harry.”

Draco stared at Harry, who was grinning up at him with that stupid, amazing, kissable mouth.

Draco was lost for words.

“Yes, well, umm, ok, Harry.” Draco cringed. He’d completely lost any sense of cool. Here he was, Draco Malfoy, stuttering like some pathetic boy-wonder admirer, as he stared into Harry Potter’s deep emerald eyes.

“Did you want something, Malfoy?”

This is it, Draco thought. He screwed up his remaining courage. “I was wondering if you wanted to go with me to Hogsmeade this Saturday?”

Potter’s grinning face switched to a look of surprise. Draco had no idea what that meant for him. Seconds ticked by, with the silence reverberating around Draco.

Potter finally spoke. “Do you mean like, on a date?”
Draco didn’t trust himself to speak, so he just nodded.

Harry smiled the most incredibly smile Draco had ever seen, causing the him to revaluate his decision to ask Potter out while standing.

“No, I don’t think so. Thanks though,” said Potter routinely, as he returned his gaze to the book in his lap.

Draco felt like he’d been punched in the gut. He wanted to ask if he’d heard right. Something instinctual kicked in - possibly Malfoy pride - and, still in shock, he forced himself to turn and begin a walk of shame to the castle.

The man who owned Draco’s thoughts, fantasies and dreams had rejected him.

But then a sound broke through the haze of his looming despair.


He stopped walking. Hope fought the despair licking at his heart. He’d never heard Harry say his name, his first name, like that, before.

Draco decided he’d do what Potter hadn’t in the library - he turned back to face him.

He was almost knocked over by Potter, who had run the few steps to where Draco had stopped. Draco’s hands instinctively came up to chest level and Potter grabbed his wrists. They started at each other for a moment - before Harry let go.

“I’m sorry, I was just kidding - I had to get you back for the Blaise head-butt in the library. I’d love to go to Hogsmeade with you.”

Draco felt like he’d been punched again. But this time, by a man with a blow up fist full of Felix Felicis.

“You do know,” Harry continued, “that us even being seen together without wands at each other’s throats will cause an outcry of significant proportions.”

Draco laughed and noticed the effect it had on Harry’s expression. Draco knew the look in Harry’s eyes, at that moment, would never leave him.

“I think we can deal with that,” said Draco, happier than he’d been in a long time.

Rating: PG-13/R
ADW (if relevant):
Length: ~2,800 words
Summary: Draco makes an interesting confession, Blaise acts like a true Slytherin, and Harry gets to enjoy it all play out.
Warnings: None really, unless fluff counts? This my first fic, hope you like it!
Disclaimer: HP belongs to JKR... I bought all her books so she got my money and I got none of hers, so don't sue me. *grin*
Thanks to the wonderful, amazing, talented dysonrules for beta-ing my fic! Love you!
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