Check before you leave

May 01, 2005 12:57

Okay so yesterday started as a shitty day. Nothing worse for the struggling actor way in need of hitting a job than choking during an audition. On the bright side, it was a student film and not a major meeting. If I'd flubbed in front of the casting director for say, Lost, I might have to shoot myself. Or at least run back to Podunk.

But that's not the best part of the day. Never fear, it does get better. I go to work where I got to wait on Joss Whedon's beautiful and charming wife. And yes I said hello to him. Not that he ever remembers me from all the times he's been in my store, but whatever. He's a nice guy. And a good customer.

But the kicker was when I went to lunch. Or rather dinner since it was at seven. In the mad dash to get to my audition and hit Target for vitals (of the female type) before work, I forgot my food. So I dash over to the Food Court and grab a very greasy slice of pizza. I'm walking back to the store to eat when I notice something odd about one of the slightly well to do looking customers browsing at the front (we're right outside of beverly hills).

Ya know those paper seat covers they put in public restrooms. So you don't have to put your ass down on a dirty seat and all that.

Well this woman had one hanging out of the back of her pants. just flapping around. And either no one noticed it or had the guts to tell her. I almost did, but I was laughing so hard I couldn't do it.

Moral of the story, check your ass before you leave.
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