Man, on a day like today....

May 28, 2006 10:30

I wish to all heck my body would let me sleep in! That being said on the the Marcon report.
I packed and loaded the car friday night and woke up before the alarm Saturday about 6:30ish... Blair is stll doing fine and using the litterbow. Wich is a big yay. I left him isolated for one more day to be certain (but he is out and about today and being cuddley and ornery). Finnaly dug out the right leggings for Iron costumer and got ready and out the door by 8:30ish. I made it to checking in at 9am on the dot. Of course it wasn't opened yet... but in the midst of waiting I met up with ladyariyana and we started catching up and figuring out where we needed to be. Met up with Kendra and Wendy at the green room and got my spiffy panalist badge. :) Then I hauled my boxes up. I brought a ton of crap... but we used a lot of it!
We were the only 4 person team there and the theme was Metamorphisis. We were supposed to include Roddenbery in there somewhere... but damn it none of us were trek people. So we chose ovid/ butterfly meaning with a dark twist. The secret ingredient was video tapes and the secondary ingredient was a prom dress. The dress fit me (woot) and we used that as a base. Kendra and I started in with the hammers breaking the tapes and Wendy started adding embelishments to the dress. We used wire hangers and gold tule and cardboard to make an awesome set of wings, all mad props to Ariana and Kendra. Kendra also made a gorgeous choker out of itidecent marigras beads, cardboard, and broken bits fo the video caseings. My project was the wige, made usign some sparkly knit fabrice sewn into what looked like a premmie cap and a metric butt ton of the actual tape. It had bangs, a long fall of tape in the back, toilet paper rolls covered in tape glued to the sides, wire bits covering the rolls and a slightly lopsided band of gold trim. (There are pictures and as soon as they are posted I will put some here). Wendy had moved from the dress to a corset made from cardboard covered in fabric (the cardboard cases from the tapes actually) and was making an over jacket of teal satin. Once everything was moved along suffucently I did my make up, navy blue lipstick, a iridecent bronzer instead of blush that paled my cheeks a lot, and heavy eye makeup. Then we got the dress on and the rest of the layers and the 'nise mannequin was born. Lots of hot glue and safty pins later we had me assembled. We added more tape trim and more "hair" carboard bracers and as a coup de gras I suggested making sandels out of video tapes and duct tape. Overall it worked very well, we had a fabric cocoon that I emereged from for the judging and got a lot of favorable comments. The winner was the costumer guest of honor with a alien theme costume that was two sided with a really nifty mask. The other teams costume was a really awesome Blackbeard costume from the new pirates of the caribean movie. Our teamed ended up in second I think. Overall we are going to do it again next year and it will be team wench for the win! ;)

After that I spent some time wandering... I made it to the What's new at Tor panel and co-opted it for one moment to spread the word on literary scammers. The pannel was pretty useful and the editor was full of good stories! The only down spot was a woman that had no concept of social graces who kept interrupting the panelist to ask dumb questions like if Lester DelRey was ok (he's dead) and didn't seem to be all there/based in reality.

I spent most of the con in my belly dancing ourfit. It's shiny, blue and comfy. Got a ton of compliments and a lot of pic take of me so there was more sucess! (honestly between the 2 costumes I must have had about 50 photos taken of me BEFORE the masquerade!)

I ended up hanging out at the firefly panel for awhile then moving on to wander the gaming. Didn't see anythign that caught my eye this time but I found Andy and Josh (not the wombat Josh)and got glomped! Yaya big hugs. I picked up a button that said "I know I am little and cute now put me down" 0:-) Spent some time drooling over brocade dresses and jeweled hair combs in the dealers room. I need more costuming like a hole in the head though...

I ended up making a lot of contacts there and met up with a ton of people: Jessi, Ray, Pawns, Shawn, Sara and Stephen, wenches, costumers, filkers, complete strangers... twas much fun. (ED: and Rob and Karen... must sleep more before posting con reports!)

I got reglued back into my iron costumer costume and walked across the stage in the masquerade (non judged). That went well and then I got back out of it and back into my "normal costume." Much excitment after that...after the masque I attempted a room party... which was hot, loud and ended up making me nervous. I can deal with groups of sober people, individual drunk people, or groups of drunk people i know. I am not comfortable by myself in large groups of drunk people. Meh. Kendra showed up in her stunning supergirl outfit and allowed me to tag along for a bit then we headed to the dance. Along the way I met up with Josh (Falling tree or the elf whose name escapes me right now) and we went into the dance. Kendra left to change to another costume and then we met up with Jessi. Much fun ensued and we made a group to go see the Buffy singalong and then more dancing. :) Yay dancing. I had sooo much fun, even tripping on the skirt and ended up working several blisters. :) I ended up getting back home about 4:30ish... checked once more on the brattlings, got my contacts out and crashed. Of course at 7 am Balir demanded food again and my body sait it's time to be up. I got him food and let him out then crashed again till ten. And then I wrote this... yay... now to go back to sleep.
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