Still around, not yet dead...

Apr 14, 2006 00:36

Long time no see, Internet! How ya been? Me, not too bad, you know. It's been all work, work, work and family commitments. (I'd make a joke about wanting to get a few members committed, but...a little too close to home, you know.)

Anyway, it's about time to do another art dump, but I'll wait for tomorrow on that. I'm also thinking of re-doing the existing Geek/Goon in 3-D. Either that or a more dynamic 'chibi' style.

Also, I've been world-building again. *sigh* I get hip-deep into the mechanics of a fantasy world then slowly lose interest. Right now, of course, I'm all excited about it but I can't help but wonder how long it'll last.

Will probably update the journal layout sometime this next week too. Be afraid. Be very afraid. :-P


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