Morning everyone. I have decided to make some more public entries and update again.
Today is my birthday, 37 years ago I was born! YAY (LOL).
What did I get:-
I got the Twlight Zone box set and book, littlest pet shop, a pottery wall thing with a Hooppee bird on, a Port Merion Bowl. David drew me the icon in my user pick of Frake..:)
On WOW Raz gave me some black roses (he gives Frake a rose a day), a train set (which was soul bound).
Weekend update, I got drunk on Saturday night, really really drunk. So drunk that I ran 8 instances and could not see anything! It was apparently really funny, though I had a discussion about my sex life with someone, spammed the voice chat all night, could not find the door to kite monsters through, apparently is was funny and anything. David took the bottle of wine of me at one point (though there was hardly anything left in it). I was so drunk, I can not remember much about the night at all!
Luckly Des was not on, or he would have been spammed to death as I would have drunkenly told him I loved him or something! I almost spammed Hanzer, but just as I was about to whisper him I remembered that he was in my party..
Yes, in the morning Frake woke up with lots of random items in her bags...
So saturday night was fun.
Saturday I created a Death Knight, it was fun, but hard work, so I have a DK now which I won't be playing much.
My Lock, Kartush got to do some RP which was nice. Pitty her friend Jard is not around anymore, its dull doing quests on my own.. I might perswade Hanzers alt to come on and boost her..:P
Sunday was fun as well, I went to a beach with David for a while, which was nice. We had Mc'donalds for breakfast (LOL).
Then onto WOW for two heroic instance runs with Pel. First one went really really well, we wiped once or twice, but nothing serious and its a learning experience, we then went on to do another which is really hard, and we did it..:)
Later I went back down TOC and we managed it on normal, but heroic killed us. Its so random, I have ran it twice heroic before that with no problems!
But Sunday on WOW was nice as well.
Tonight I am going out for a meal, and then onto WOW for some more stuff, I need to get some gems and do some dalies for money!:)