More tests me thinks

Apr 28, 2008 12:14

Well I had my scan of doom this morning. I don't think I have ever seen a nurse run out of the room so fast or with so many scan pictures in my life!

She did the whole works, measured everything (Spleen, Kidney. liver), poked me in places I did not want to be poked and did not really say much.

She could not find any reason why my GGT levels are high, but she did find lobulated liver mass/es on the outside of my liver. I have to wait a week for the results to come in, and so I have an appointment with Dr Grey on Tuesday (next Tuesday).

What does a lobulated liver mass/es mean?.. Who knows. She could not get a good enough scan to see what they were, but they could be caused by a million and one things (some bad, some not so bad). So probley a MRI or CAT scan and/or bioposy next to see what is wrong. She explained that a ultrasound scan is not brilliant and she can not always see everything.

I guess Dr Grey will also tell me if my kidneys are fine as well and if I have two of them (apparently the majority of women who have bi-cornuate wombs only have one kidney, go figure).

So another week of waiting and waiting... Will update you all on this on Tuesday the 6th!!
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