May 31, 2004 21:41
Well.. i dont know i figured i would try this gay jounrnal thing out since im a talker. So whats been goin on lately? Damn i couldnt even imagine how to even talk about it. Im not that sure if i do things wrong to my friends and people i love, if i do i dont notice them nor cant help it but i want to know if i do something wrong im more than sorry. I dont know if i can exactly be all giddy in this thing and say a million things i have done today. Im a loser i do nothing. No, i dont know. But hey people have their time where they arent always so happy. Anyways, i just watched the new show replacing one tree hill called Summerland. It was the 2 hour premiere. i really like it and according to Rach she does too. i always find that we love the same shows. yeah. we're cool. Hmm.. Me and Devin decided that we're gonna be cool and do this journal thing. we both write in journals we keep at home when we have lots of stuff held in and just want to write so we decided hey why not do this. I decided that im gonna go to the Fallout Boy concert at the Webster with KellDawg on June 12th. im looking forward to that. I miss soo many people right now like you couldnt believe. Some i cant really mention.. well i dont know. You would know if we always talked for years and dont anymore over something so little. People dont have to have the same characteristics and personalities to talk and be friends. Whats wrong with people that dont take a different personality into heart? Anyways. Ashley Lyn i miss you like all hell girl. I really do and im sorry. Amanda me and you will always be friends, i'd always be so damn truthful and honest to you i promise you that for as long as i fucking live. Jaclyn? man i dont know where i can start... My brother, Ryan. who i wont be seeing too much of anymore i just never got the chance to get close to him ya know? i really wish we did. Foad.. as for you i dont know what to say, just miss it dude. Katie my best friend that i have known since 1st grade. we're gonna be friends forever always on good terms its so awesome. i never see you but all i have are the best memories will never fade away. Kennen im so glad we're talking again i missed the fuck outta ya! Well anyways.. some i didnt even mention. but i think im just gonna start all fresh next year (some know what i mean by that) and i hope the best of the understand why.
Anyways. my pops went away to god knows where, he just said he'd be back in a few days leaving me no car to drive. well there is the danali but i hate it cuz it scares the shit out of me. Agh this is getting kind of long and i must stop here before i go another 10000 words. Goodnight...