May 27, 2011 10:27
It has been a while and I needed somewhere to vent my recent fashion of religon. I have been undertaken with it and obsessed with it. I am glad I remembered this blog because I cannot get anyone to listen to me!!!
I decided to write this down after hearing what I did last night. The world is undoubtedly a lot more mysterious than we could ever imagine. Are we the first ones here? Is our civilisation and everything we consider a great achievement been achieved before? Is the planet really a brilliant accident? The astronomical changes of everything being the way it is, all down to chaos and chance order out of nothing? I dance with the lines of atheism. I have made the decision that I do not believe in any established God, but a life time of belief in a heaven and life after death and the meaning of life is not easy to shake off.
I wish I had a great faith in a higher being, a great interacted who designed and manipulates the world benevolently from a high cloud in the sky, but I struggle with this concept. With so many religions to choose from, each with their own merkhy histories and inconsistencies, how can anyone be sure the particular religion they bestow their faith into is the right one? How can any one take all of the evidence into account and so blindly ignore the facts? The over lap of religion is too much for me, the contradictions within and similarities pan religion is just too unmistakeable. The ignorance that stems from proclaiming one religion is greater than another, that one way is right and another wrong or misguided is just egotistical. Most of our modern religions are written hundred of years after the supposed events occurred. That is more than one life time, more than one generation, no witnesses just word of mouth. Is it a massive Chinese whisper, distorted and amended to suit the past? It is odd that most religious prophets also appeal to the poor directly. Isn’t this just populism? The idea of gaining political power through appealing to the biggest class of people, an idea which has been manipulated by others, Lenin, Hitler, even some laws I can think of in the UK recently like the Fox Hunting Ban. Should we really put our trust and live in the fear of eternal damnation.
Religion’s obsession with sin also offends me deeply. How dare a God who created us in his image rule our life in such a way? Surely the whole point of free will is the right to our own actions, and I resent that there is this eternal being (or beings) who are noting down everything we do ready for judgement day, when most people will undoubtedly be written off as sinners, damned to eternal fires and torture. I get angry when I watch what is nothing short of fundamentalist condemn others, the ‘God hates Fags’ cult is a particular example. Their faith in God is so great that they seem to be taking on his role of judging who is damned in the vain belief that they alone are righteous and will be saved. As a (agnostic) non-believer I can only imagine what a Cathorlic might think, the blasphemy and vanity (which are both sins) that they alone have the divine right to take up God’s mantel and condemn others is unparalleled. Or the cathorlics, who treat the ‘virgin Mary’ as a demi-god when Jesus himself treated her with nothing but contempt in the bible, she was a nuisance who was shocked at the ‘great’ things Jesus did, and who ironically could not recall the birth of Jesus. I find this odd. Having immaculately conceived; visited by angels, receiver of prophetic dreams, and receiver of gifts to the king og kings, this catholic demy-god must have been incredibly stupid to not realise that this would mean something later in life. How can we condemn ancient religions like those of the Mesopotamian’s or the Egyptians, or the Mayan’s or the Roman’s or the Greeks or African tribal religions, groups of people, or the druid’s, or the Mongol’s or the early Japanese dynasty or the Hindu’s who are separated by continents, that their great meta narratives of religion are wrong. That their God’s are laughable to us, childish and interesting but not a worthy religion which can be resurrected and believed in again, not now we are enlightened, there is no God but God and everything. To reject the power of these religions, the wisdoms and their advances and traditions is wrong. How could some many people be so wrong for so long. Why would a God who created the heavens and earth and man in his image leave so many of his creations to wonder in darkness and heresies, condemn them to the burning deeps of hell, all because the great God had not shown them the way. Does that sound like the actions of the benevolent God? Why had he ignored humans for thousands of years, the same peoples who God is so concerned with now, with our intimate actions and thoughts alone above everything else throughout the great expanse of the universe he created? Why should we take our orders from such a God? A god who was little concerned with humanity, letting them instead worship the sun or the moon or the stars, only to later tell Moses (the Judo-Christian Arabic Moses) that this was a sin, and whip out his followers who were not patient or celibate enough to this great god. Where are the people of these ancient civilisations now? Burning in hell for heresy, and rejecting the great almighty god? The contiently split peoples who gave us much of what we have today, information which we could not have advanced without, which ultimately helped us achieve everything we have achieved, are now suffering sulphur and hot coals for eternity. I refuse to believe it.
It angers me that people will pick and choose what parts of religion is applicable to their lives, that holy books give guides of morality, when that is just not true. You pick which morals of holy books to take, much like how I will choose my morals based upon my childhood and lessons I have learnt since then. I think I am a good person, and if I am mistaken in my non-belief and I am sent to the eternal fires of damnation because of it, I will gladly burn there, rather than beg a God who gave me this power of logic and reasoning and the ability to question existence for a seat in paradise a burning power that has helped us evolve everything we have. I will gladly spend eternity damned, and burn alongside everybody who has questioned religion too. The great thinkers of history, those ancients and their secrets of astrology and architecture, right up unto modern thinkers and their scientific discoveries, which have and continue to change the world daily. In Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, we were exiled from heave for having free will. I would not like to spend eternity living under a ‘perfect’ theocracy, an all powerful dictator who would tempt us to sin by even having the apple tree in the garden. If my atheism is wrong, when I die, and go to hell, at least I will be sharing the burning spikes and hot sulpur and the fires with pretty much everyone I know and hold dear. Not for their atheism, but for their sins, their post-modern outlook on life, I am sure they have all worked on the Sabbath, so I can only hope that Lucifer keeps me a hot torture table next to my friends, family, great thinkers and the ancients of this world, I am very excited of the prospect of having a conversation with Charles Darwin, the heretic, and obviously such a union will not occur in heaven. So ask your self were would you like to spend eternity, living on a theocratic cloud, refused freedom under a ‘benevolent’ dictator (sure that’s what Stalin was called too) were everything is perfect as long as you do what God says. Or in the slightly warmer Hell fire, surrounded by all you old pets and possibly other family members. If you read any of the holy scriptures of the judo-Christianity-Islamic variety, no matter how much you protest your righteousness it was not a test we were every going to be able to pass. Even your thoughts betray you to the all knowing all seeing God; your thoughts can condem you to hell. The way I see it, Hell is going to be a whole lot rewarding after life and populated than the lonely great cloud in the sky. After all how many people has the devil killed and what has he ever done wrong except help us achieve free will?
See you in Hell guys, I'll be in the Hot Tub!
hell religon,