Hey people, This is just a quick message to make sure i stay up too date with the music challenge. I had an alcoholicly charged weekend, which I shall write about tomorrow evening. It was very event full and hopefully I will have pictures. It is Lydia's birthday so we went out for a meal then out into 'town' I put it in inverteds because its not really town. I am off again tonight for a couple of social ones for Lyd's actually birthday so I reply to your comments (which I thank you for) when I get back infront of my computer.
day 10 - a song that makes you fall asleep
OOOOO at the moment I think it is probably
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This song I think just politically and culturally describes the noughties but more on that another time! I love this song I think she is a brilliant artist.
day 11 - a song from your favorite band
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I love the Phonics, I think they have let me down a little recently but I still hold true to their work. Favorite all time band ever.