Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm flesh!

Apr 05, 2004 19:16

After a long time standing in my own personal demise I am back... in black.

*ehem* Puppies from around the world??? I ♥ South Park

Evan came over for the weekend. We did some fun things... I'll scream for you baby. I got to play with kitties! That was awesome. Evjamin is awesome. We're awesome, once again. After a little lull, due to my dooooooooom.

I decided to start making shitty things, so that's what I'm doing... in fact. I might do that soon again. I'm done my 6 paintings. I'm kicking ass. I'm threatening people. I'm happy. Tomorrow will be gooooooooooooooood... roooooster.

Today was interesting. I actually did a lot of homework-type things at work. Had a funny experience with my boss involving my yelling poooooooop at him. I got my plugs, but only picked up my 6's. We had a guest speaker in Lit/Phil who served in Iraq. He was very informative and I rather enjoyed having that opportunity to ask some questions about this never ending terror. Sculpture class was productive, and my angel is ready for plaster... mmm... looks pretty bitchin' just as a chicken wire body and wire wings... soon to be plaster and fabric... it's gonna be pretty. And it's going to take forever.

BooHoo moment of the day - I walked thru the quad and noticed that all the grass was fenced off... all of a sudden visions of petting zoos, miniature pony rides, and dog shows (weeeeenie!) danced in my head... when I took a real second to think about it I realized that it was probably something un-fun, like resodding or laying grass seed. BOO for our darn grown-up institution. Where's the fun?

Tomorrow has many a fun thing in store for me. The mistah is picking me up. I'm getting my 10's.

I think that I am staying here... we'll see how many times that changes. I think that I am going to be able to get enough money to go on this trip. I thought of a bunch of other places to apply for a second summer job. I also thought about schooling in terms of what titles I want. I think that I can get all this crap:

A bachelor's of Fine Arts with a Core Concentration in Photography & Digital Media, a minor in Sculpture, and a minor in Creative Writing.

Sounds impressive enough...

The thought of getting an education degree constantly crosses my mind. I keep on remembering how much I wanted to teach all those years ago... I still kind of do. Maybe I can get an entry level job after college at a university that will pay for my classes in education. That would just ROCK. I could be a Photography teacher or a Graphic Design teacher or Digital Media(hybrid). That would be fabulous!

One of the super quotes of the day:
Allie - "I was like, 'I'm hungry, gimme the Jesus!'"
When we were talking about Communion and the little hosty things/wafers being a tasty treat... less tasty, more snacktacular during long services...
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