(no subject)

Mar 13, 2006 20:29

So, I feel as if I should post that I got accepted to The University of California, Los Angeles.

It's super exciting and I'm really happy about it, but I can't help but feel a strange tinge of guilt that other people deserved it more...

Perhaps I'm just being silly, but I really didn't expect to get in.

Granted, the only reason I applied was because I knew it was a good school with a killer English department. Plus, if I ever wanted to go into screenplay writing, UCLA would be an awesome place to pursue that.

What surprised me most about UCLA when I visited this last weekend was that I actually liked it. No, I really liked it. I thought it was as nice, if not nicer, than a lot of the private schools I've visited. The campus is beautiful, the opportunities there are simply incredible (they offer Swahili and African "click" language as classes!), they officially offer 3 years of guaranteed housing but most people can get 4, AND there is a miraculously small population of cloned Paris Hiltons. It's marvelous.

I visited UCLA with this preconceived notion that I was going to dislike it. I thought it would be too "SoCal," too Beverly Hills, or too snobby. When I actually stopped judging everything I saw, though, I realized what an amazing place it was. It felt vibrant and large and a place where there would always be new things to discover. It seems like such a grand adventure that would, honestly, help me grow. I remember thinking, before I came to ML, that I wouldn't really like it much either because, in my 8th grade mind, it was too big and competitive. However, when I visited Mira Loma, it felt so alive and full of opportunities. I couldn't have made a better choice.

So, UCLA has shot up on my list of college preferences. I'm not sure where it will be next week, as my college preferences seem to shift as quickly as lava floating inside a lamp (strange analogy I know, but that's how I visualize my mind right now. It's one, huge, vacuous, melting lava lamp).

... On the other hand, part of me still has a piece of my heart in the Claremonts. Plus, I'm still holding out a small inkling of hope for Brown even though I'm about 99% sure I'll be rejected.

There are my college ramblings of the day. Part of me is getting sick of discussing it and another part of me knows that everyone else is getting sick of hearing me discuss it, but it's kind of addicting.

I just wish the decision-making would be a lot easier.
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