Rain rain go away, come again another day, all the world is waiting for the sun...

Jul 31, 2005 09:46

a rainy sunday.
that i have to travel in. come to think of it, i like to travel in the rain.
plus i'm kind of a freak that doesnt mind driving for long periods of time.
that will pay off when i drive 12/13 hours to kentucky. :D
im leaving at like 5am the latest on the morning of saturday the 6th.
i will be returning on august 14th, in time for warped tour the next day.
but wanna hear some really sick news?
I was talking with my dad about the trip and he said that during the week we would be there, the Patriots were gonna be playing an exhibition game vs. the Bengals in Cincinnati. that's like 20 minutes away from my sister's house.
sooo we called my sister and chit-chatted, and then we got on the phone with her husband, tim, he's a good guy, and we mentioned it. and blah blah blah. so i went online check it out and found out it's on friday august 12th at 7:30pm.
so i went online and ordered us some fuckin tickets.
so all in all, i will be seeing the Pats in Cincinnati on the 12th! :D
ill probably be forced to wear jeremys corey dillon jersey,probably get shot in the face. all the better. (for all of you who wonder, we got dillon from Cincinnati.)

So i'm fuckin stoked about going and seeing family, the pats, not everyone here...!
Only thing is..i have to send my essay in to williams like a week early, so im gonna have to kick my ass and do that soon. *stressed*
capytans start on monday! :) yayyyyy
oh i also saw kaylee opening night in Aida with linz and shay and they did really good, john did a particulary good job flying off the stage = very graceful.
i also saw people that used to come to my moms day care that were like my best friends, that was so nice!!! ♥

alright.now i must head off to norwood to visit the aging italian grandparents.
i should be home by this evening.
leave me a comment, i forget what its like, havent updated in ages.
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