Sep 05, 2012 18:50
I was trying to figure out all day why today felt significant. Finally got it on the way home from uni - it's a year to the day since I started my MPhil. And what have I achieved? Well, I've gotten through Confirmation, the harrowing process of being confirmed as an MPhil, where before I was a provisional student. I've written a couple of chapters to nowhere close to completion. My annotated bibliography stands at 168 read and annotated items (total of 203 on the list). I've changed my focus and my theoretical perspective entirely since starting (normal behaviour, I'm assured). And I've co-authored (first!) a paper that's off this week to the journal in question. *fingers crossed*
I have yet to produce any meaningful output from my data and I'm fast approaching the time when I need to - I'm presenting at AAA in December and need to have something to show for it. It was going to be my mid-candidature milestone, but I've decided to upgrade to a PhD. So there's that.
I'm writing the justification for why the grad school should let me do that this week (as well as continue paying my scholarship woo!). So. *all the things are crossed*
call me doctor,
call me master