Aug 02, 2005 10:26
Big day today...
See, I've been separated officially for almost two years (officially as in that's when I moved out of the house, November-ish 2003). And I've been 'unofficially' separated since about December 2002. The relationship fell apart back in August 2001, and deteriorated for a while... not good considering we were only married in June of 2001.
As of approximately 1:30 PM this afternoon, I will be divorced.
I did all my paperwork myself. He was rather amicable about the whole thing; we've both known this was in the works.
I'm just not sure how I should feel.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not IN LOVE with him (although we do get along famously as friends). I don't forget how things fell apart or how bad they got. Actually I just haven't FELT married to him for so long that getting divorced feels strange... like "why do I need to do that? I'm not married."
But today's the day. Breathe.