Dec 17, 2009 10:13
I slept last night.
I mean, I slept. I went to bed around 10, woke once at midnight to pee and then did not move until six in the motherfucking AM. The side I was sleeping on was asleep, that's how asleep I was.
So naturally, the universe decided to make everything just a wee bit more surreal for me.
I woke, quite abruptly as if I had exactly reached the point of Too Much Sleep, clearly thinking, "But Darla's body should have rejected the fetus the moment Dru turned her, because vampires aren't living organisms and therefore, cannot be proper hosts for parasites."
Then I fell back against the pillows thinking in abject relief, "Oh, right. Prophecy."
The episode of Angel TNT was running at 7 this morning?
The one where Darla turns from the bar in Mexico to reveal her heavily pregnant belly.
Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot, brain.
Worse? Now all I can do is wonder if Angel wore heated BVDs or something, cause that is some super strong sperm.