Nov 09, 2016 09:12

I am so disapponted today. I can't even.

I know that people HATED Hillary for their various reasons, but to elect this RACIST MISOGONISTYIC SHIT-STIRRING HATEFUL FUCKING ASSHOLE instead blows my fucking mind. To hear the words that have come out of his mouth for YEARS and think, yeah, I think he would make a great president, is mind boggling. No filter. I don't even know if he wants to be president, I really think he just wanted to win. DICK.

I didn't want to do my mini-rant on Facebook because I do have a few (very few) friends that I know that voted for him, and I don't want to be unfriending people because of it. I respect everyone's right to vote, and I hope to GOD that everyone that did vote for him didn't do it because they are as terrible as he is.

I'm pissed off, and it's too early to drink. I think.

the ultimate wtf

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