Seasonings (yum) Greetings, Everyone!

Dec 24, 2011 11:25

I've been pretty busy (as most of you all have too). Ah, I love the holidays, but I'm glad the preparation part is over and the chillax and eating part is about to begin, yay! We're going to my MILs house, as per usual. It'll be strange and sad without my FIL around, but we're looking to make it festive nonetheless.

I see all the fic for llostsquee is being posted but I haven't had a chance to dig in. And whoever wrote the fic for me, if you're on my flist, I'm going to get to it, I swear! I just need to have a few moments when my kids aren't peering over my shoulder to enjoy it (and all the other ones).

So, a quick thank you/round up for the Christmas cards! Thanks to gregoria44, yesterday_girl, janie_tangerine, zelda_zee, tellshannon815, haldoor, and shinyslasher.

Merry Christmas! :D

holiday things

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