Jun 11, 2005 22:41
The Jason compatibility test
Take this simple test to determine our compatibility!
Q1: As I approached, I thought I recognized his…?
a) Helmet b) Voice c) Glasses d) Wine
Q2: Do you want total…?
a) War b) Peace
Q3: Where is Bin Ladin?
a) Afghanistan b) Pakistan c) The Pentagon d) California
Q4: What did the piano breathe?
a) Oxygen b) Nitrogen c) It’s loneliness
Q5: What sleeps with Ljiraq?
a) Shaleen b) Estelle c) Broken Dreams
Q6: Did Christ know he was condemned?
a) Absolutely b) He had no idea
Q7: Did the holocaust really happen?
a) Of course it did, some of my best friends are Jewish b) The so-called holocaust is nothing more than ZOG propaganda intended to sully the name of the good German people c) Did WW2 really happen?
Q8: Why was Nelson Mandela imprisoned?
a) Because he was black b) Because he advocated guerrilla warfare to overthrow a legitimately appointed government
Q9: Have you ever raped a nun?
a) No b) A nun? No, not a nun c) Absolutely
Q10: A damp towel lined with charcoal, to be applied to the:
a) Face and neck b) Chest and Stomach c) Neck and mouth d) Face and mouth
Open ended section:
Q11: But, what ends when the symbols shatter?
Q12: Intifada, your thoughts?
Q13: Tell me you filthiest thoughts about lesbian Jews