Saving this.

Oct 11, 2009 15:56

Ria looked up from the oven, turkey baster in her good hand as the doorbell sounded. "Chris," she yelled over the blaring of football on the television. "Get the door, please. An' check TJ while ya up." She leaned over again, dipping the tip of the baster into the juice from the turkey, moving it and squeezing the bulb to expel the liquid. The baster was returned to the counter and the oven door closed again when the doorbell rang again. Ria swore under her breath, moving into the living room and standing, hands on her hips, directly in his view.

"CHRIS. THE DOOR. AN' CHECK TJ." She frowned at him as he leaned over on the couch to try and watch the game around her. "But it's third an' goal!" he whined before reluctantly pushing to his feet and moving out of the room. She followed a step behind shaking her head, but there was a smile on her face as she returned to the kitchen.

For a third time the doorbell buzzed, but she could hear immediately after sounds of entering people as she picked up a spoon, stirring one of the four merrily bubbling pots on the stove. After a couple more turns of the spoon, she set it down and went to the doorway, looking to see who was first.

Maria and Tony came into the hallway together, Chris lagging behind. "Hi, guys. Happy Thanksgivin'," Ria said, waving a bit before going back into the warm kitchen. Tony called a hello as he and Chris went into the living room, plopping themselves down in front of the game. Maria headed into the kitchen after Ria, shaking her head. "Is it always that loud?" she asked, motioning toward the living room. "Yah," was Ria's response, chuckling. "Whasup, Maria?"

"Nothing," she answered, plopping down on a nearby chair after sliding a pumpkin pie onto some free counter space. "Need some help?" "Naw, I got it. But thanks." At Ria's negative, she nodded and looked around the cluttered room. "We're gonna play some football soon. Well, as soon as everyone else gets here."

"Everyone else?" Maria asked. "Uh huh" was the answer. "We invited alla Crew over; they should be here any time." Maria paused, then nodded. "Oh. Cool. Is Bode coming?" Ria cast her sister-in-law a smile, pausing in her cutting of the vegetables. "Hope so. We left him a note; hopefully he got it." Maria looked toward the door, then stood quickly. "I'll go see if he's coming. I don't think it's that far." Ria chuckled softly, lifting her arm in acknowledgement.

The woman left the kitchen, moving back toward the door; and with good timing. The doorbell rang again, and a moment later Kheld came down the hall. He peeked into the kitchen first, his arms full with two large pies. "Hey," he said, extending his arms a little. "Where should I put these?" Ria motioned with the knife-laden hand toward the other pie. "Wherever ya can find a space. Wha kind are they?" He chuckled, moving over and setting them next to the first one. "Pumpkin and apple."

"Sweet," she said, offering him a grin. "Tone an' Chris're in the livin' room, if ya couldn't tell." He nodded, already moving for the door. "Yeah... thanks." She turned back to her work as he moved into the living room. Just at that moment, Chris called out "TOUCHDOWN!" joyfully. Ria's rolled her eyes, decorating a holiday plate with the freshly-cut vegetables. She moved the plate into the fridge, turning to again baste the turkey.

Again the doorbell rang. She paused, listening at the sounds in the other room before shaking her head and simply answering the door herself. Down the stairs she went, tugging open the door just as the bell went off again. "Man," she muttered, "what is it wit' people ringin' a million times?" But when she looked up, she had a friendly grin for the new arrivals. "Evenin', Tic, Kaj. Come on in." Both of them were carrying boxes in their arms, passing them off to Ria as they moved through and stomped the snow off their shoes. "We brought the pies," Tic said with a grin. Kaja nodded, adding "Pum'kin, like Chris said."

"Great," Ria muttered, but nodded toward the stairs. "They're up in the livin' room, watchin' the game." Kaja chuckled, moving that way. Tical's reaction was a more enthustiastic "Tight!" before running up the stairs. Nudging the door closed with her hip, Ria followed after and back into the kitchen she went.

The boxes were set with the others and she went back to work. Stirring, basting, cutting, cooking... time went by, and finally the doorbell rang once more. Ria took just enough time to wipe off her hands before heading downstairs and letting the last two expected come in. Maria stepped through first and was followed by Bode, who announced "I brought the booze." Maria chuckled, holding out another box. "And a pie," she said. Ria made a face, accepting the box. "They're upstairs, the game's almost done, I think." Just as they all turned to head toward the rest, a very loud "HELL YEAH!" could be heard.

Maria and Ria glanced at one another, shaking their heads. "Guess the game's over." Bode snickered, meandering his way up the stairs and into the living room, where the drinks were greeted joyfully. Maria moved into the kitchen with Ria, the pie joining the others. "Well, everythin's almost done, 'cept the turkey. Can ya go tell Chris ta bundle up TJ an' we'll go play some football?" Maria turned, moving into the living room. Like Ria earlier, she stood in front of the television, but only after turning it off. "Chris, Ria said to get TJ bundled up, so we can all go play." The boys whooped and jumped up, bounding down the hallway and outside to the back yard, while Kaja and Maria followed at a more sedate pace.

Ria finally made her way outside, pausing long enough to peek into the wrecking-crane stroller and check on the baby. Waiting for her, the boys had started a spirited game of "tackle each other into the snow." Well, Tony, Tical and Chris played while the rest watched from the porch, snickering. Kaja winced as Tical took a particularly rough hit. Ria watched with the girls a few moments, chuckling, then finally called out. "We playin' or wha?" The boys looked up from the snow, panting a little bit. Chris was the one to answer, with a "Hell yeah" that verified he was the one shouting earlier.

Tical pointed to Kaja, Chris and Ria. "I got ya'll, and the rest are the other team." Agreement passed through the others, and soon they had set up, facing each other. Ria glanced to Maria and Kaja with a wry grin, one which they mirrored. "Remember, guys," she called, "Touch only. No tacklin'." The guys all nodded, exchanging conspiratorial glances. Chris' eyes rolled up when Ria turned her head, and Tony chuckled.
* * *

"Twenty four, thirty one, seventy two, hut!" The ball was snapped back to Chris, who tapped it a couple times with his free hand before throwing. He pulled back his right arm, gaze locked with Tical. They had been playing hard, and for the most part had stuck to the mandate of "No tacklin'." Suddenly, from nowhere, Tony flew at Chris. In his haste to get rid of the ball, the throw went wild, and he was in the air for several seconds before landing heavily. Tony grunted, taking a moment before pushing himself to his feet, and they all went to gather around Chris.

"I BROKE MY ASS!" he wailed suddenly, flailing a little. The others around him burst out laughing, watching him writhe in the snow. "It's not funny, I broke my ass!" That sent the crew into another round of snickering, and finally Kheld reached down to help him up. Chris got to his feet, shakily, supported by the big man. Gingerly he rubbed his "broken" part, muttering "Turkey done yet?"

Suddenly, Ria's eyes widened. "Oh, crap! The turkey!!" She turned, dashing through the snow and quickly into the house, followed by the bruised and battered crew. Bode took a swig of his beer, snickering again. "She ruined the turkey." Tony grumbled, shaking his head as he gathered up TJ and the stroller. "She better notta," came the grumpy muttering from Chris.

Ria scrambled to the oven and pulled open the door, waving her hand in front of her as smoke rose from within. Finally, as the air cleared, she grabbed an oven mitt and hauled out the roasting pan. To her great relief, the turkey was only slightly charred, and she heaved a great sigh. The oven was shut off, and she quickly transferred the various dishes from the pots on the stove to serving bowls, sure to add spoons and forks. "Guys, come help," she called, turning toward the door a little.

Maria and Kaja moved through first, reaching for the mashed and sweet potato dishes. Ria grinned slightly to them as they glanced at the turkey, snickering just a little. "It's not so bad, jus' on the surface," she assured them. Their grins said enough, and they moved through toward the dining room, setting their loads on the large table before coming to pick up more.

Tony and Tical came into view a moment later, chuckling. "That was a sweet tackle, though. Damn funny, too. I broke my ass!" Tical crowed, in an imitation of Chris. They both picked up dishes, Tical laughing all the harder at the sight of the turkey. Ria glared at the pair, lifting the tongs she was using to take out the corn on the cob. "Say a word an' I'll shove these up ya nose." Tical just gave her a winning smile, taking the cranberry sauce and following the girls.

Ria moved across the kitchen, toward the platter of vegetables. She had just picked it up when suddenly the wrecking-crane stroller zoomed through the kitchen, smashing into her as she walked toward the dining room. With an oof, she stumbled forward, carrots and broccoli sent flying into both rooms. She lay sprawled on the floor a moment, groaning. "Oh, crap," came a small and horrified voice. As she pushed up, Chris moved forward to help her, a sheepish grin on her face. Scowling, she got to her feet and held out a hand. "Gimme that, an' pick up this mess." He meekly handed over the remote control, crouching down to pick up the food.

She steered the stroller into the dining room, stopping it in a corner near her seat. The remote control was set in the bag and she returned to the kitchen one last time. Kheld met her there, about to pick up the turkey, and she paused, smiling thankfully. "Do ya mind, K-Ball?" she asked, sheepishly. He chuckled and shook his head, hefting the roasting pan between oven mitts and moving into the dining room. She followed him in, carrying carefully the knives for carving.

The turkey was set in the middle, in the place of honor. Surrounding it were the various delicious dishes, from mashed and sweet potatoes to green bean casserole; peas and stuffing and gravy and cranberry sauce and salad and biscuits and all the other assorted trimmings. The mood shifted from playful and joking to reverent and warm as each person took their seats around the feast.

Ria stood, looking around the table at her friends; each member of the Wrecking Crew dueling team present. She smiled, then set the knife down next to the turkey. "I jus' wanna say, I'm thankful ta know an' work wit' each an' every onna ya. Ya're all my family." The crew all nodded agreement, sharing smiles and half-hugs and high fives around the table. Ria sat down, blinking momentarily as Bode meandered his way into the room. A half-finished bottle of beer was in his grasp, and he lifted it to his lips, draining it as he moved to his place. The bottle was set at the open space for him, and he turned to Tony, delivering a playful underhand punch to his side. Tony jumped up, reaching out and slapping a headlock on Bode, amid laughter from the crew.

Bode pulled free from the hold, stumbling a step backwards and accidentally falling into the table. In seeming slow motion, the table tipped over on its side... taking the entire feast with it. After several loud crashes, each and every dish lay on the floor at their feet, and the crew stared in disbelief.

There was a long pause, then Ria said "Screw it. Someone call an' order some pizza."

crew, rp

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