It's been a long time.

Feb 02, 2009 17:44

Time is short, class is soon, but there's a lot going on.

I have a memo due in a week.

I got my first C (okay, a C+) in a class I've tried in since high school. At least it was only a midterm exam grade and not a class grade. The other 3 midterm grades (one of those a memo) were B-'s.

Most days I'm okay with that, especially considering the surgery early in the semester, the associated week and a half on vicodin, and the several weeks after that remembering how to walk. Some days I am extremely frustrated by the lack of A's.

That's pretty much for school.

I had a couple glorious weeks where everything was normal and I could walk and do all kinds of fun things again.

Mom and I went to Phoenix for Thanksgiving because Alex and his family were moving to Kansas that weekend and we wanted to say goodbye since it'd be a long time before we'd see him again.

Black Friday we were in the mall, looking for a few things with Alex. I was moving a little fast because I wanted to get out of the mall and away from the people. We weren't there too long, but my ankle started hurting again... not horribly, but it was just like it had been before. Mom told me it was because I was running (I wasn't). Naturally, I freaked and I have been hyper vigilant about the ankle since then.

The pain didn't go away, and it got progressively worse (like last time). I was supposed to do a three month follow up MRI in Dec, but for various reasons I didn't get it done. One of those reasons was that I was afraid they wouldn't find anything and would think I was lying this time, so I wanted to give it another month to grow (so it would be visible). I know, I'm stupid.

I'm also concerned I'm starting to exhibit (starting being the key word, it's very sporadic) similar pain and symptoms in my right ankle. I want to have it looked at, but I also want to make sure to take care of the left ankle first - no way I can recover from both ankles at the same time. But that's another issue, and will get looked into later.

I figured I'd just get the MRI authorization for the bad ankle when I went to my doctor for a diabetes followup in early Jan (my A1Cs were under the goal point for the three months and my bad cholesterol was down 30 points!). I was extremely scared about the MRI because a for a week or so things were better - I even went shopping with my mom one day and it didn't seem bad at all. I've been so afraid they wouldn't find anything.

I finally did the MRI last Wednesday, they said results would take 2 working days. I called today to see if they had come in about 2pm. I called back at 4:30 because I hadn't heard from them. They said the results must not be back because I didn't get a call. Well, I had someone else call me a few minutes later and say that the MRI showed there was an indication of a lesion (which may or may not be another tumor) or swelling and I needed to go back to the specialist. As soon as I get the referral, I get to go back to the guy who did the first surgery.

That's where the ankle stands. Mom's not doing well, either. She was in the hospital/ER Saturday night/Sunday morning with her high blood pressure. She's also been having other issues, that apparently date back to August. Now her doctor is referring her to an ob/gyn and it's looking like she'll need bladder surgery.

Mom and I already started the "My potential surgery is less important than your potential surgery and I want to be at yours, so mine can go after yours" game.
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