Mar 08, 2006 18:32
Downside of a new job at a medical office...getting sick. can just schedule yourself to see one of the doctors.
Sunday night I started to have that slight tickle at the back of the throat. Monday evening after work I had a fever of 102 and slept most of the evening and through the night (as best as you can with sweats and chills). Tuesday went into work feeling like crap. My sister, Tamara, harassed me after taking my temperature and seeing how I looked (she works there too), so I went and saw Dr Johnson. Fever, both ears infected, sore throat, dry cough, achy. At first they thought I had the flu but the test came back negative. Just the typical germs of a busy medical office attacking my immune system. And joy upon all joys, my blood pressure is HIGH. So now I am on a low dose of blood pressure medicine. WHOOPEE. NOT. Needless to say I hit the bed as soon as I got home early yesterday. Feeling somewhat better today. No fever. But throat is cruddy. Work wasn't too bad. It's almost the weekend...