(no subject)

Feb 25, 2022 18:33

Cross posting from my Twitter...

Should the Chengdu 2023 Worldcon continue to support Sergey Lukianenko as a Guest of Honour, I will have no alternative but to call for a boycott.

Sergey Lukianenko supports the Russian invasion, and wants Ukrainian culture suppressed.

Receipts on Lukianenko saying "There is no such country as Ukraine, and there shall never be." and calling for it to be annexed are at https://www.calvertjournal.com/articles/show/2112/russian-writer-sergei-lukyanenko-ban-on-ukrainian-translations-of-work (As well as Transphobic comments, and banning publication of his works translated into Ukrainian)

Worldcon and the WSFS can not be seen to support the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and must revoke his GoH status. Should they refuse to do so, then there can be no other response from members of the Science Fiction fandom and creative community, than a boycott. And I include this year's Chicago Worldcon

if they do not make some clear public statements rebuking Chengdu 2023's decision.


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