Feb 14, 2004 11:00
would you be my valentine? or will you let me die with all the others that take their lives on this day? as everyone gets wrapped up in their feelings and their emotions of how great they feel and how great everything is dressed in red in white, there are some out there that are going to dress the streets in red to as they fall 500 feet to there faltless end, my body will also be crushed under the weight of my body and the weight of your body that is once again turning away from me, you say no, and i know that its time for it all to end, they say how could he let his emotions get the best of him, when like him emotion is dead, its lost everything it once had, and it knows nothing anymore, i know nothing anymore, you know nothing anymore, he is nothing anymore, and i guess he thought that is the way he would settle his score...