Egg Noodles

Mar 01, 2009 23:53

Making something from scratch is an easy way to show your family and friends you care about them WAY more than they care about you: Start with egg noodles as they are quite easy to make. Ten minutes to make noodles equals a lifetime of future guilt to use on your family and friends.

...AND Dallas thinks I need to write more entries here.

...AND Grisha was asking about noodles/pasta-ness Friday.

  • One whole egg. Clucking hens and homemade noodles remind me of the women in my family.
  • 1c flour. I like finely ground whole wheat flour: It helps me rationalize my fatty-lifestyle.
  • Half an eggshell of milk. Why dirty measuring things when you don't have to? Cleanup, like a scorned lover, is a bitch.
  1. Put the flour into a bowl. (I actually just do this right on my counter top which is why my kitchen looks like a war zone.)
  2. Add the egg and milk to the center of the flour.
  3. Beat the egg and milk with a fork until it is mixed, slowly bringing in some of the flour until it is all well mixed. You want a sticky dough rather than a dry dough, as it's easier to add flour than to add liquid.
  4. Kneed the dough on a well floured surface until it's smooth.
  5. Either roll the dough out and cut it into your desired shape, or run it through a pasta maker (a wringer-hand-crank thingy).
This recipe makes approximately one serving of noodles, as you increase the portions, decrease the flour-to-egg ratio. For example, with four eggs, start with about 3-3.5c of flour.

cooking noodles pasta italian egg

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