So, I signed up for that cliché fic prompt fest over at
cliche_bingo (and no, I haven't posted my card because I'm too disorganized). I like my prompts (ghosts! evil twins!), and I've now thought up enough story ideas to do at least the minimal "bingo" score. I've got until August 31 to finish, and the stories only need to be 500 words each, should
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You know, I'm a pretty verbose writer myself. So in order to write 100 word drabbles for bsg_100, I would write what I wanted to, and then cut all words that weren't crucial to the plot. Basically I would end up with a drabble without adjectives. Still, it got me down to 100 words! LOL.
I need to do a minimum of 5 fics, and I've got 5 planned so far (1 LFN/Spooks crossover for the "crossover" prompt; 1 LFN story for "truth serum"; 1 Spooks story for "ghosts"; 1 LFN story for "doppelgangers/evil twins"; and 1 Alias story for "geographical isolation"). And they all (well, except maybe the last) have complex plots, because I can't ever just do something simple. Argh.
I really hope I make August 31, but I love all these story ideas so much, I'll finish them anyway, even if some are late. (It was ridiculously easy to think up some of these stories, especially for LFN, where things like truth serum and evil doppelgangers are *canon*. LOL.)
Seriously, though, this does sound awesome. When I read about it in your LJ earlier, I went to go check it out, but they'd already closed sign-ups. :(
Oh well. It's probably for the best--I have about two dozen partially written stories on my harddrive as it is, including one LFN fic that is already 30 pages long but will probably never get finished because I have seven different versions of chapter 1 alone and the plot keeps running off in directions I want to follow but the directions contradict each other, and story that can only be described as utter crack!fic which may be too ridiculous to ever let anyone read, about Madeline kidnapping a child's cat adopting a cat. It's, um, funnier than it sounds. Lol ( ... )
And I've got unfinished stuff too.
Hmm, you don't by any chance speak French, do you? :) I need some lines translated at some point, and my French is... not so great anymore. It's been quite a few years since I've spoken it, and I barely knew what I was saying then. Lol ( ... )
I took French in high school, but that was quite a while ago! Spanish I can manage, but that isn't any help, is it?
He's convinced my name is probably on a dozen lists in the CIA and FBI databases by now.Hahahaha...welcome to LFN fandom! The weird and disturbing google searches are all part of the fun. God only knows what the powers that be make of my searches for "mind control techniques" and "fissionable material". Reading the search results are pretty entertaining, too, and a wonderful way to procrastinate from the actual *writing*. I recall spending an entire evening looking up models of handguns used in the 80's just for *one line* in a story! And ( ... )
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