I have no life, or rather We Have No Life

Aug 01, 2007 19:56

Those of you who also have swatkat24 on your flists will have already seen this (because she's a better fannish pimp than I!), but the two of us have been sharing story recs with each other for lo, a long, long time. We have somewhat divergent reading habits, but our tastes seem to be complementary enough that we almost always like what the other one finds.

And so, after doing this informally for ages, we thought we'd set up a recs comm and share those links with anyone else who cares to browse! Et voilà: wehave_nolife. It's multifandom (the current list of what we're reading is in the userinfo page), with a primary focus on genfic and f/f, a secondary focus on het (usually rarepairs or at least not the main OTP of a fandom), and then once in a while (if the mood strikes us) m/m. We've kicked things off with 8 het recs in 7 fandoms, but stay tuned for more later!
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