(no subject)

Sep 26, 2003 22:18

survey time!! i've snipped all but the highlights :)

1.)Would you ever date someone younger than you? as long as they're over 18, age doesn't mean a god damn thing

2.)Someone Older: yup, same reason as #1

3.)Have you ever smoked weed: only twice...today :P

4.)Ever been drunk: yep, i try not to drink often tho

5.)Been in love: yep, love sux...

6.)Loved someone who you knew you couldn't have: yeah, i'm kinda going thru something like that now

7.)Gotten in a car accident: yeah, not fun...airbags really hurt

8.)Had your heart broken: on more than one occasion

9.)Cheated on someone: yes, and i regret it...caused nothin but problems

10.)Been cheated on: yep

11.)Last time you said I love you to someone: like 3 weeks ago, last time i saw amanda

12.)Last time you cried: like a month and a half ago

13.)Last time you laughed: about an hour ago

14.)Where do you see yourself in 10 Years?: i'm gonna be a rockstar, duh! ;)

15.)What age do you see yourself married at?: ideally, 24-25

16.)Describe your dream wedding: it would depend on the girl i'm marrying

17.)Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: nope

18.)If you could dye your hair one color what would it be: blonde

19.)Have you ever been skinny-dipping: nope

20.)Do you eat chicken with fingers or with a fork?: depends on what kinda chicken...

21.)Would you rather give or receive?: wow this question has too many sexual undertones =P

22.)How many homes have you lived in?: only one

23.) Do you play any instruments?: i play bass guitar \m/

24.)One pillow or two?: two

25.)Do you get along with your parents?: yeah, i wouldn't be able to live without 'em

26.)Favorite town to chill: bayonne

27.)Do you drive?: yep

28.)What kind of car do you have?: kia...it sucks

29.)Whats your favorite color(s): blue

30.)Do you work: not at the moment

31.)Whats your favorite food: penne in vodka sauce

32.)Do you have braces: nope, but i used to...

33.)Stupid Stuff: ?????

34.)How many guys/girls have you kissed: 12...all girls

35.)When was the last time you went on a date: last month

36.)Have you ever got in serious trouble: yes...i'm not gonna get into details

37.)Why is the sky blue: because blue is the shiz-nit

38.)Who was your first crush: lisa

39.)Do you have a crush? nope

40.)Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? nope

41.)When you meet a person of your preferred sex, you first notice their: eyes and hair

42.)Are you the romantic type? when i want to be

43.)Have you ever been chased by Cops? hell yeah, multiple times...running from cops with HUGE knives is FUN! =)

44.)Whats your secret you never told anyone: i don't have one, i'm a very open person

45.)Have you ever done drugs: yes
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