(no subject)

Jun 09, 2004 07:54

i'll tell ya, if it's not one thing it's another...

sunday i went to work with a HUMONGOUS hangover (see last entry). i was moody and irritable all day because customers kept missing their numbers and expected to be served anyway. to top it all off, the really smelly customer came in and spent 45 minutes on line. this guy smells worse than anything i've ever smelled before. he's like 400 lbs. and apparently never showers :\ his white wifebeater was completely yellow, it looked like it hadn't been washed for a year. anyway, i was hung over as hell, so of course i ran to the bathroom and started puking. after work i went to the pool hall with laura, lou and ryan. we shot around for a while, i drove lou to work, and i went home...

monday i worked from 7:30 am to 4 pm. it was a loooong day, and my allergies
were kicking my ass the whole time. at some points i felt like i was dying, but i made it through somehow :) i didn't do much after work. lou, keith and katie came here and we hung out in my yard for a while. we all drove lou to work and i split to go to bed.

yesterday was really rough. it woulda been a great day, but around 9 am i had a back spasm that fucked with me all day. i didn't wanna call out of an 8 hour shift, so i just shut up and dealt with it. other than being in near-constant pain, i had a pretty good day. i just chilled at home after work and watched the mets lose =\

today i woke up feeling fine. no more painful cough, no more back problems, not hung over (lol). let's see how long it lasts...

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